Author Topic: [news] THE WALL IS GOING UP  (Read 23882 times)

I wonder how many people here cheering for the wall are actually over 18 or at least have a job requiring a W-4.
The reason they're cheering for the wall is because they don't have a job with that requirements, and are paranoid that the dang Mexicans are gonna take their McDonalds cashier job from them.

I wonder how many people here cheering for the wall are actually over 18 or at least have a job requiring a W-4.
i'm 20 and i have a job.

The reason they're cheering for the wall is because they don't have a job with that requirements, and are paranoid that the dang Mexicans are gonna take their McDonalds cashier job from them.

I think you should probably take a class in grammar and English before attempting to discuss American politics.

Oh, also most people like to decide how to spend their money. You know, freedom and all.
whta does grammar n English have 2 do at all w this discussion??? c o p  o u t

i'm 20 and i have a job.
church group? star trek actor?

church group? star trek actor?

i'd love to be a religious extra on the new star trek tv series

i'd love to be a religious extra on the new star trek tv series
what if it was for a satanist church

what if it was for a satanist church

naaah it'd be some obscure alien religion because star trek is like that and stuff

the wall is just going to create stronger and smarter mexicans that will actually start taking american jobs
they'll be strong from climbing the wall and smart from formulating anti-wall strategies. donald Annoying Orange has doomed america

the wall is just going to create stronger and smarter mexicans that will actually start taking american jobs
they'll be strong from climbing the wall and smart from formulating anti-wall strategies. donald Annoying Orange has doomed america

that'd be a cool idea for a novel or something

naaah it'd be some obscure alien religion because star trek is like that and stuff
satan is an alien