Author Topic: LegoPepper - Unreasonable Admin, Making up false reasons to ban me for  (Read 50551 times)

The DM should have designed alternate scenarios or even improve if such an event were to occur.

There is a difference between the DM wanting to kill someone and the players wanting to kill someone.

Regardless, it is clear that both of you do not want to play on the server. That is fine. One cannot appeal to everybody.
Keep in mind that there are people that do enjoy our server. These people complained about the server turning into a deathmatch when we added the "leaders can be killed for any reason" thing. People have different preferences. Some people want to fight constantly. This server is not for them, as it is not a deathmatch server. Some people want to roleplay with fighting involved. This server is for them.

Regardless, it is clear that both of you do not want to play on the server. That is fine.
This is not the point we're trying to make nor is it even the issue at hand.

Nice strawman

The main thing is: if you do not play on the server, do not want to play on the server, and never will play on the server, why do you care what its rules are?

The main thing is: if you do not play on the server, do not want to play on the server, and never will play on the server, why do you care what its rules are?
Why are you trying so desperately to create a strawman???

Stop attempting to ignore the topic at hand.

In what way is asking why you even care about the rules being somewhat draconian a strawman?

Some people want to roleplay with admin-regulated fighting involved in between every 5-minute study break on the rules. This server is for them.

The fact that admins have to regulate fighting so particularly is a clear demonstration of your team's inability to design a fully-functional, self-sustaining gamemode.

Your experience with the server is solely hypothetical. You have no experience with the rules.
Were you to join and stay a while, you would get used to the rules and maybe take a few seconds to check them occasionally when you want to be sure that killing somebody is legal.
I feel as though you also overestimate the amount of violence involved. I can scroll through the logs and see that fights are the exception rather than the rule.

In D&D you decide you want to attack a shop keeper and the DM says "no you can't do that" is that fun?
the shopkeeper isn't a real person

real people usually don't play games on the internet to enjoy getting randomly killed by someone who felt like it in a game where you are supposed to act and have conversations more than fight

i usually don't get involved in tony talk but it was too simple to ignore

The fact that admins have to regulate fighting so particularly is a clear demonstration of your team's inability to design a fully-functional, self-sustaining gamemode.
Noedit: how would you design a computer system to detect somebody's motives in attacking somebody? What would you do if in your Star Trek roleplay I shot the captain every round for no reason then immediately left the server?

Magus is now in the stage of "you've never played so you dont get a single say in the matter so ha!"

Magus is now in the stage of "you've never played so you dont get a single say in the matter so ha!"
It's more of "you've never played so you have no idea how it actually works in practice and you never will play so why should your opinion affect those who do play it?"

Noedit: here's a comparison: it's like somebody who only plays Minecraft and has never played Blockland going on and on about how terrible of a game Blockland must be.