Author Topic: [NEWS] Violent UC Berkeley riots force cancellation of Milo Yiannopoulos event  (Read 39145 times)

The dignity of American higher education is dead when vulgar things like this happen.

higher education in America has had no dignity for a while now

the entire system leans to the left which is very unhealthy for the maturing mind considering they're only hearing one side of the argument

openly gay republican rabble-rouser who talks really loudly and has gained a rather outspokenly hostile cult following
despite his fans not engaging and dismissing hostile actions yes his following are the violent ones

*looks at UC Berkeley on fire*

yes his following are the violent ones

(it's cause he's already registered as a national socialist)
or what you mean to say is "despite himself not supporting any form of white supremacy or any races supremacy and being accepting of every creed and race with the exception of radical islam, I disagree with him so I will now demonize him as a national socialist regardless of the evidence telling otherwise"

despite his fans not engaging and dismissing hostile actions yes his following are the violent ones

*looks at UC Berkeley on fire*

yes his following are the violent ones

Where did I say violent?

the entire system leans to the left

Everything in the middle ground looks far left when you're hard-right leaning, to be fair
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 02:11:47 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

And this stuff is just so honestly messed up, like it's known Antifa is just a violent group at this point but they just piss me off so much, in this one night they as a collective have pepper sprayed and beaten two different women and possible other individuals just because they disagree with them.

seriously like who are the real loving national socialists, the Milo supporters and Milo himself who have always been open to have a discussion to solve the issue or Antifa/the SJW's who resort to violence, crime, hate, and rioting when they do so simply because they disagree with you, and shout over you to minimize your word.

Where did I say violent?
openly gay republican rabble-rouser who talks really loudly and has gained a rather outspokenly hostile cult following
does hostile not represent a physically threatening and antagonistic force that dangers others?

does hostile not represent a physically threatening and antagonistic force that dangers others?

No? Hostile isn't a synonym for violent. Hostile means antagonistic and unfriendly. The people who usually subscribe to milo's stuff are a fairly antagonistic and unfriendly lot, no matter where you stand on the compass.

Everything in the middle ground looks far left when you're hard-right leaning, to be fair

you're saying this on the thread where a college campus got destroyed by its own students because a right-wing speaker was coming to host a talk

america's a lot of things, but skewed to the left it is not.

you're saying this on the thread where a college campus got destroyed by its own students because a right-wing speaker was coming to host a talk

I'm saying "The entire system leans to the left" is a pretty big exaggeration on your part. When you're saying "Left", you're really saying "More left than me"

america's a lot of things, but skewed to the left it is not.

I didn't say America was skewed to the left. American higher education specifically is skewed to the left.

the entire system leans to the left which is very unhealthy for the maturing mind considering they're only hearing one side of the argument
I didn't say America was skewed to the left. American higher education specifically is skewed to the left.
yeah no
First of all, liberalism is not left-wing (socialism is). Second, higher education naturally trains those who are responsible for progress (engineers, scientists, etc), so of course it'll tend to have a progressive bias. Third, this trend isn't just a US thing - it's a global one. Fourth, most people will have political opinions long before entering college. And finally, only hearing one side of the argument? Which argument? In what context? With whom? Because you interact with a lot of people in college, and you'll still be exposed to right-wing views; and political opinions will rarely make it into the classroom, because unless you're in polsci or econ, you'll be studying objective facts.

You're confusing political bias with... the effects of education.

OT: As much as I might hate Milo, this is completely inexcusable. Protest as much as you want, but as soon as you start smashing windows, we have a problem.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 02:25:11 AM by TristanLuigi »

Wow the left is incredibly loving violent.

If this were a Annoying Orange speech the media would claim it as a peaceful protest.

"Milo is a threat to our school's security and our way of living"

>burns down their own school they are trying to protect.

These people don't seem to realize that the more often they do this stuff, the easier it'll be to pass legislation against protesters.