Author Topic: [NEWS] Violent UC Berkeley riots force cancellation of Milo Yiannopoulos event  (Read 39238 times)

if they were trying to stop the rioting than it was the stufftiest, lackluster effort I have ever seen
1. Selectively picked and edited footage of the riots is in no form whatsoever proof of what you're claiming.
2. The mayor being an starfish is a completely different, completely irrelevant topic.
3. Yes, it's a full on conspiracy with absolutely no actual evidence to back it up. Believing it is just as bad as believing the whole "golden shower" incident, if not worse.
4. Even if everything you said was 100% correct, it's still not the university's fault at all. They did everything they could, organizing the event in the first place, calling the police and, while trying to keep the safety of their own staff in mind (Which would include retreating if necessary, campus police are not meant for this sort of thing), trying to control the riots themselves, and then being forced, to protect the safety of Milo himself, to cancel the event. They did not do a single thing wrong here. Annoying Orange threatening to take away their federal funding is an absolute disgrace to the entire country.

Ip, if the police were actually told to do something then the riot would've been dispersed and we would've seen walls of police with batons and riot shields ordering them to stand down, but we saw none of that, even if the footage was carefully selected (for god knows what narrative) to not include the police, we would still be seeing police reports and eyewitness accounts depicting a large police presence, but there was none.

And immediately stop with the "this is a full on conspiracy theory!!" stuff because no where does it involve any sort of theory whatsoever, and it is completely relevant to the mayor, he runs the city for forgets sake, how is it not relevant to him?

Ip, if the police were actually told to do something then the riot would've been dispersed
And you know this how? You literally just claimed that the mayor told the police to stand down.

And you know this how? You literally just claimed that the mayor told the police to stand down.
are you actually serious here? This came about from the simplest form of using process of elimination.

If the police were there, we would've seen lines of them approaching with batons and riot shields. If the police weren't there, we would've not seen or heard about a police response.

simple cause and effect, in this context, if the police were actually told to do take care of the rioters, we would've seen them take care of the rioters.

are you actually serious here? This came about from the simplest form of using process of elimination.
I'm 100% serious. If your conspiracy theory (And yes, I will continue to call it what it is since you have no evidence that it's true) is true, then by the very premise of said conspiracy theory, the police were called by the university and then told to stand down by the Mayor. Mayors fault, not the university.

And your "process of elimination" is evidently flawed here because the police were called. This is indisputable. There are pictures of police in riot gear on the campus. Do I know why the riot wasn't stopped? No. But neither do you, and you have no evidence to any reason as to why it wasn't stopped.

if they were trying to stop the rioting than it was the stufftiest, lackluster effort I have ever seen

have you watched the footage? there isn't any proactive policing there, it's just clip after clip of the rioters crossing the line over and over and over again with no significant repercussions
that and the mayor of Berkeley called Yiannopoulos a white nationalist and openly said that he wasn't welcome there before the event was even supposed to take place

there are rumors going around saying that the mayor himself ordered the police to stand down, and you know what? I'm not into conspiracy theories but this is entirely believable and the mounting evidence against Jesse Arreguin (the mayor) is pretty convincing and not helping him at all
I'm inclined to believe it

(And yes, I will continue to call it what it is since you have no evidence that it's true)

meanwhile cut to later at night

There's no record of the call between him and Putin because they "turned off recording." Nothing suspicious going on there at all, nope

And yes, the mayor is ultimately responsible. I will concede there. Punishing the university for this is stupid.

so take away the city's funding instead

The police were there but were ordered not to do anything.

A starbucks was also trashed during this event, by the way.  :cookieMonster:

An antifa member was shot at for assaulting a Annoying Orange supporter.

The media is spinning it to seem like the Annoying Orange supporter was at fault, this is not the case lol.

go away fatty

anyways another point i would like to make is berkeley's police got into deep stuff for macing peaceful protesters last year, so its understandable why there would be some hesitation to jump into the fray.

police probably trying to avoid a lawsuit

so take away the city's funding instead
everyone should suffer for one man's actions that you disagree with. we might as well start killing the families of murderers too cus I mean surely they're responsible

everyone should suffer for one man's actions that you disagree with. we might as well start killing the families of murderers too cus I mean surely they're responsible

hmmmm I think we should deport them instead...