Author Topic: Escalation: When Diplomacy Fails - 1958  (Read 18753 times)

I did
we'll see

also on the map it shows that tunisia and morocco are independent when in these years they don't gain independence in anotha 5-10 years.
though decolonization of africa was p. confusing anyway

i'm thinking of voiding the Greek-Soviet alliance because it's obvious metagaming, which is against the rules

tell me what's your decision, but if it's being voided please talk to me on steam.

yugosaliva accepts the american offer..... after much internal debate

I've come to a decision: the Greek-Soviet alliance is annulled due to violation of Rule 1 (no metagaming). I do not inherently have a problem with expansion via war, but in this case the alliance violated any sense of reasonable role-playing (such as ideology), and so the only possible explanation is metagaming. I don't have an issue with the Greek-Turkish war; I only have an issue with the Soviet intervention on the side of Greece. However, because Greece was relying on the Soviet alliance, Mattsos has requested that I void the war. I have agreed.

So, essentially, both the war and the alliance are void. All other events have occurred as usual.

Expect a 1951 update tomorrow.

actually on second thought i don't have time to really play this, i'm out

Polish military implores Soviet action in Capitalistic defenses in South Korea once more.

actually on second thought i don't have time to really play this, i'm out
not as if you were doing much in here.. ... punk

Polish military implores Soviet action in Capitalistic defenses in South Korea once more.

shouldnt the polish government be the group doing the imploring

along with the MiGs sent already, T-34s are sent to North Korea (along with some Russians to drive them.)

laughs in pershing and f-86

Some starfish came to Germany and was doing a capitalist dance on Riddler's bunker the other day. forgetin' weirdo.

USSR takes the liberty of detaining this man.

Events of Early 1951

Events with an asterisk and colored nation name require immediate action.

UNSC Resolution Passed: The Korean War
The UN Security Council has passed the following resolution:
1. Acknowledge that the invasion is an aggressive breach of peace by North Korea;
2. Demand that North Korea immediately cease aggressive actions;
3. And authorize a UN force, led by the United States, to oppose North Korea.
Recapture of Seoul[font][/size]
After the Kesan initiative, US forces re-took Seoul for South Korea. However, North Korean troops have taken Seoul yet again.
The Waterfront Dispite
Due to long hours and low wages, massive strikes and protests have erupted in New Zealand among workers who work the wharves and ports.
Opeation Ripper
Once again, Seoul has changed hands, with UN forces capturing the city.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg have been accused and convicted of espionage, apparently having leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. The Red Scare continues to escalate in the United States.
The Treaty of Paris* (West Germany, Netherlands, Italy)
France has proposed the European Coal and Steel Community, the first step in European Integation. Western European countries are invited to join; France, Belgium, and Luxembourg do so. Italy, the Netherlands, and West Germany are invited (and historically accept); the United Kingdom may also join, and if they do so, the Republic of Ireland will join.
The Seventeen-Point Agreement
Although it is formally a peaceful, willing contract that establishes PRC sovereignty over Tibet, functionally it was signed under duress and establishes Chinese annexation of Tibet.
The Arms Race: Thermonuclear Bombs
The United States has detonated the first thermonuclear fusion bombs. It seems the arms race will not end soon.

The United Kingdom feels that they can do without European integrations and make independent deals. They ask to be a special member, however.

can i switch from greece to netherlands