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something else

Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 71907 times)

I've posted this model before but I guess I'll post it again.

This machete is from gmod.He odviously brong the model up in blender or something and posted it here.

Tip and textures are different.

The lighting does it it the same...

lil too close for comfort....
I think from now on if people post non-bockland models, post a little about the use of it and don't steal other's models.

Grenade Launcher

So monty and (posibly) Skele both stole credit for models they didn't make? For shame for shame......

You like my model :)

So monty and (possibly) Skele both stole credit for models they didn't make? For shame for shame......
No. Skele wouldn't steal credit or ideas from others. How dare you accuse him >:O

Well those pictures look exactly the same except for the tip on one being longer......

I'd argue the tips were the same length. The GMod image is a birds-eye view, while Skele's is rotated at an angle which makes the tip look shorter.

Actually they are both looked upon from an angle but the Gmod one is a near birds eye view. On further examination they do have the same length in the tip so either Skele made the Gmod one or he is a fraud.

Skele is not a fraud.

Then he probably made that for Gmod even though it is a urak-hai sword from lord of the rings and not a machete.

Hey Geek, ever tried using iRender?
I'd really like to see some of your models rendered :D

Actually, the satellite dish was rendered using Kerkythea. Here's another one which really shows off some ray-tracing features.

Do want raft as vehicle.
But apparently nobody's done a water vehicle script or anything. Floating vehicles would be awesome :cookieMonster:

Also depending on how V9's events come along it'd be nice to have those wiremod components just so we can make stuff look like circuitry a bit. :D

when is thaT raft going to be public it looks epic.

when is thaT raft going to be public it looks epic.

Ephi RPG...