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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72503 times)

A few days ago I went searching for a tutorial to see if I was doing things the way every one else was. All I could find for 3DS MAX 8 was a polygon modeling tutorial (I found a ton for all the other versions and they helped a bit but half the menus/tools had different names so it was a bit confusing) basically (if I had followed it) I would have made a gun like that. But I didn't want to use the tutorials gun and I couldn't find any pictures to model it against so I gave up.

Edit: I was cleaning up my folders (deleteing/sorting my crappy models seperateing my good models) and I ran into two models I had forgoten about but had really liked. I don't know if I posted them before but I'm to lazy to check. One is a shank that I made eons ago and just found now (if my exporter was working I'd give it a non crudy handle and export it). The other is a scout blockoman I made because I was bored (I liked the bat and the hat was ok for the four seconds I spent on it but I hated the pack).

Edit: I can't get the pictures to post in this post so I will have to double post so I can post them in the next post.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 09:27:36 PM by Lt Chub Chub »

(^see above for explainations/ reason for the double post)

I refuse to acknowledge your noobcookies....

Hey Chub, is that minifig the correct size to the BL minifig?

Dude release it it's good for arenas, and bot fights

Release what now? And ya it is the correct size but just now I noticed that I for got the head set XD. Any ways I have about five awsome models that would be in mods right now but my torque exporter hates me and even when I do get it to export it auto flatshades (I even redownloaded the exporter but it still flatshades and I can't find a menu to fix that in). Whats it matter if it is the right size? Acording to Ephi only he and Badspot can make a working player model (I hate my torque exporter so I can't even get it to export a single animation let alone a player model).

Wouldn't auto flat shading be good?

If I say flat I apologize I meant to say smooth.

If I say flat I apologize I meant to say smooth.
Lol, its fine. Now that could be a problem.

How did you get minifig model in milkshape?


Meh, I made a Z-Sabre in ROBLOX studio, Which IS a 3D modeling Program