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Author Topic: Savage Archipelago — Rain Receding — [Day 4, Morning]  (Read 35819 times)

Volgya looked up at the birds, concluding that if they were to hang around, then there must be food, which means there must be fresh water.  He continued on his search for fresh water, although his stomach growled...

The second ship strikes the western shores of the main island!

Egor Aksakov is stranded ashore.

The following is salvaged from among the wreckage:  A considerable length of rope, an iron shortsword, and a few strips of salted meat.

Volgya looked up at the birds, concluding that if they were to hang around, then there must be food, which means there must be fresh water.  He continued on his search for fresh water, although his stomach growled...
Volgya heads to the southwest, and sees a number of small antelope high-tail it deeper into the forest.  Noticing that they are too fast for him, and he lost the element of surprise, he continues his walk, this time stopping as he hears a guttural squeal resound through the forest.

Volgya has discovered the D'aka.
Volgya has discovered the Ogorai.

He listens again, and hears it closer, on his left, perhaps 20 or 25 meters away uphill, past some thicker underbrush.

Aǹni faintly hears the squeal in the direction where Volgya went and becomes worried.  "Shaman, try to get a fire started.  I fear Volgya may be'in danger."

She sticks her staff into the mud and takes the bronze axe out of the box, jogging off to where the squealing is heard.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 10:06:34 PM by SWAT One »

Volgya hears the squeal, quickly taking a ready stance.  He takes his bag off from around his back, and searches for rocks quickly.

Volgya gathers a number of muddy rocks and puts them into his bag.  Another squeal, quieter this time, but closer, is uttered, before only the sound of the birds and the wind in the trees is heard.

Then, behind him, Volgya suddenly hears footsteps, and turns quickly to see Aǹni there, wielding the bronze axe.  "Ye left this behind," she says in a hushed tone, flipping the axe over, and grabbing it by the back of he axehead, holding the handle out for Volgya to grasp.

Volgya examined the axe, as well as Anni, before taking the handle and nodding.  He handed her his makeshift weapon in trade, before standing, readying his axe.

She takes the makeshift weapon and stands defensively, preparing to attack at moment's notice.  "Sounded like a swine.  Not a wee one either."

After about half a minute, Aǹni and Volgya hear the pig trouncing through the underbrush, with periodic grunts.  15m.  As the pig draws closer, this is made out to be sniffing the environment.  10m.  Volgya sees a bit of the swine through the underbrush.  The swine stops, and then grunts loudly, its hoof scraping the muddy ground.  Then it lets out a guttural squeal and charges out through the bushes at Volgya, becoming fully visible.

Baumsen graciously accepts the berries, and turns to the dry wood. He undoes the thin strip of rope holding his robes to his waist, and searches for a couple of small branches that he may fashion a bow drill out of. For the socket, he will have to improvise. He also searches for dead leaves and grass, as he needs kindling.

Volgya stood ready, waiting for the boar to be close enough in his charge.  He stepped to the side, and swung the axe under-handed blade first at the man's head.

Baumsen graciously accepts the berries, and turns to the dry wood. He undoes the thin strip of rope holding his robes to his waist, and searches for a couple of small branches that he may fashion a bow drill out of. For the socket, he will have to improvise. He also searches for dead leaves and grass, as he needs kindling.
Baumsen easily finds the bow-shaped branch, and is able to snap them off from a tree.  As it snaps off, a shower of rainwater comes off with the leaves.  He also accidentally peels off a considerable stretch of bark with it.  The water worries him, as he scans the ground for remaining supplies.  The leaves he finds are almost all wet, but he does find some that are only slightly damp.  Finally, he finds a dead dowel-like branch that would complete the drill shaft, resting amidst living underbrush.

Volgya stood ready, waiting for the boar to be close enough in his charge.  He stepped to the side, and swung the axe under-handed blade first at the man's [boar's] head.
This blow manages to cut on the lower side of the boar's head, and seems to have fractured its lower jaw.  Aǹni also swings in attempt to hit it over the head with the bag of rocks, but swings late, hitting it in the mid back as it goes by, seeming only to bruise it and maybe fracture a few ribs.

The boar then winces from its pain for a moment and turns around, ready to charge again.

Noticing the fibrous stretch of bark, Baumsen takes note of the tree itself. He moves away from the tree, afterwards, in search of truly dry kindling.

Volgya does not take his eyes off of the boar, spinning around to face it.  He readies his axe again.

After about 10 minutes, Baumsen finds all the necessary supplies.  In walking through the forest, however, he does find a few things of interest.

Heide Baumsen has discovered the Sappaz Nut.
Heide Baumsen has discovered the Etaro Cap.

While returning with his supplies, he brushes aside some underbrush, and soon enough, he feels a rustling in the branches, and pulls his hand back quickly, although not before he feels a sharp pain in his hand.  He looks and sees that what bit him only seemed to bite very shallowly into his skin.  Thankfully, his reflexes allowed him to pull back before it bit more.  He looks up to see a large arthropod staring him in the face, holding out a pair of claws.

Heide Baumsen has discovered the Zamolyke.

Volgya does not take his eyes off of the boar, spinning around to face it.  He readies his axe again.
The boar charges again.  Aǹni readies her bag o' stones.

Volgya waits again for the boar to come close enough, and swings the axe in the same fashion at the boar's head.

Volgya waits again for the boar to come close enough, and swings the axe in the same fashion at the boar's head.
He strikes again in the same spot, this time cutting cleanly up through the lower jaw, palate, and straight into its cranium.  Aǹni jumps out of the way as the beast is slain, collapsing onto its stomach mid-charge, and sliding a few meters over the muddy ground.

Aǹni begins laughing at how humorously the animal slid across the ground.

Baumsen calmly withdraws, making slow but deliberate movements away from the Zamolyke. Returning to the location of the firewood, he assembles a bow drill and begins to start a fire.