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Author Topic: Savage Archipelago — Rain Receding — [Day 4, Morning]  (Read 35811 times)

Gus furrows his brows and growls. This island is on his stuff list.

"We ought to stick together, you know."  She pauses, allowing the voices of the fire crackling and the muffled waves breaking in the distance to sound for a moment.  "I think we know that there's no one coming to gather us.  We may as well be here on our own."
Volgya simply nodded, and accompanied it with what seemed like an approving grunt.  A man of few words, truly.  He skewered his own slice of meat on a stick, holding it over the fire.  With his free hand, he dipped a finger in some of the beast's blood, and drug it along the right side of his forehead, making a thin line which quickly dried by the heat.  "Tribe," he said almost sarcastically, smiling a crooked-toothed grin.

At least he could make light of the situation for everyone.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 10:13:34 AM by blazerblock2 »

Aǹni chuckles to herself, "I wonder how many tribes begin so unfortunately as we."

She then turns over the meat, jamming the stake into the ground and folding her arms as she sits by the fire.

Aǹni feels the dry taste in her mouth and suddenly gets up and walks over to the nearby Aphassus berry bushes, where she picks a large quantity of them and hands shares out to Volgya and Baumsen.  "Volgya, I was thinking about the animals we saw.  The small antelope and the swine...  They seemed to be more heavily-populated in the south, and they also seemed to flee in that direction.  I'd wager there's water in that direction."  She pauses.  "At the very least, the high ground might give us a proper vantage point for finding some fresh water."

She inspects her meat, and then removes it from the flame, allowing the meat to cool on the stake before removing it and taking a bite out of it.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 07:35:55 PM by SWAT One »

Igor regains balance and attempts to climb a tree, as some form of fruit is up there.

Volgya takes the berries, eyeing them suspiciously.  "These are safe to eat?" he asked, gesturing to them. 

Volgya takes the berries, eyeing them suspiciously.  "These are safe to eat?" he asked, gesturing to them.  
"Aye.  Me and the Shaman ate some earlier."  Perfectly fine, unless ye mind the seeds.

Igor regains balance and attempts to climb a tree, as some form of fruit is up there.
Igor stumbles to the nearest tree in the darkness, and manages to climb it only to find that the broad leaves of this tree deceived Igor into thinking that fruit was in it.

(Note that finding resources is contingent on moderators mentioning that you found them.)

Aǹni finishes her pork chunk, and, seeing that there is much more meat left, gets another cut, skewering it onto the stick, cooks it, and then eats it.

She then goes and finishes the lean-to shelter by laying palm fronds on the ground below the shelter and lays down for the night, but not before creating a very small table-like altar to Äauz out of 4 stones, the topmost of which is a large, flat stone, and praying a short prayer.  She then drifts off to sleep rather quickly.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 03:19:43 PM by SWAT One »

Volgya nodded at her, and ate the berries, before tearing into his steak.  After he finished, he was satisfied, and retired to a makeshift shelter.

Igor goes back to the crashed ship on the shore to scavenge for supplies.

Igor goes back to the crashed ship on the shore to scavenge for supplies.
Igor manages to arrive at the ship and finds that it is very dark inside.  He tries to climb aboard, putting his right foot up on a beam that seems fairly stable, bears his weight on it without any trouble, then reaches up to grab another beam, this one wet.  He shifts his weight to this one.  His hand then slips, and due to a lack of strength due to hunger, he falls on his back on the sand below.  For a minute he lay there dazed at what happened, clutching his temples.  He feels his head reel about, either caused by the impact or his worsening thirst.  He collects himself and climbs aboard successfully this time.  I'm not wanting to hurt himself again, he walks around, using his foot to prod around in the nearly absolute darkness.  On one occasion, he stumbled over a beam, sending I'm into the hull wall, and on another, he heard a loud, sickening crunch as he stepped on one of the former crewman's fingers.  In the frustrating battle against the dark and the obstacles present within the vessel, he manages to locate a stone hatchet and a nearly empty cask of ale.

A new morning dawns.  The fog lies low in the forests, and the sounds of the island waking is evident.

At the Fynnodyr camp, however, there is another noise.

Aǹni wakes up to see some strange creatures eating the corpse of the pig that was left behind the night before, resembling a leopard but with a build not unlike a goat or a bloodhound.  She keeps her eyes squinted and her body still as to not alert them, simply observing their movements.  They don't seem to be openly hostile and are taking only a mild curiosity in the sleeping humans, only seeming to glance over at them once of twice.

pardon my inactivity, i've been trying to put together my new PC and it's been giving me hell

Adok awakens, stretching and rolling about in his bed, before he spots the creature picking at his kill.  He gets up on his two feet, facing the creature, before making a hostile sounding barking noise.

Aǹni is alarmed at first by the haphazard waking of Volgya, but then even more alarmed at the sudden aggressions taken.  She looks around quickly trying to assess the situation.  The Utabol begin to bark and low their heads to the ground, clearly not in a playful tone.  Aǹni gets to her feet and attempts to retrain Volgya, standing in front of him and holding her arm out wide.

"You wanna die?!  There's half a dozen here and we're not prepared to fight! There be more pigs on this island, Volgya..."  She pauses, "Plus—I would say that meat in't worth it anymore," she says, gesturing the meat, now with a large number of flies on them, and no small amount of maggots issuing from a crease in the meat.

The creatures seem to calm down but stay defensive, barking occasionally, but not seeming to approach closer than 4 meters.

Without taking her eyes off the dogs, Aǹni shouts to the startled holyman, "Shaman!  On your feet!"
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 05:10:53 AM by SWAT One »

Topic locked.  See OP.

Topic re-opened due to popular demand.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 02:07:18 PM by SWAT One »

Gus aways, grunting as his hands come over to rub his face, dipping his hands into the olive oil and getting himself all hot and moisturized.

Afterwards, he grabs his spear and looks over the beach, seeing if there's anything new and hip before he settles his camp and he stifles out whatever's left of his fire before he heads into the treeline in search of food and water, and suitable rocks and sticks for creating a hatchet.