Now, some of you may remember a man named
FelipeO_O. He was previously permabanned for
non-stop stuffposts.
Fast forward to the present, he's back.
And he's still a handicapped, stuffposting Brazilian. While not every post of his is a stuffpost, about 1/3 of them are.
~~~~~~FelipeO_O's Greatest Hits~~~~~~Window Maker
Why is this a Drama?
I'm older than you metalliku so im more mature.
User was banned from this post
(ban is fake)
Let him be handicapped
(above two quotes are part of the same statement. he felt the need to split it into two posts for some odd reason)
Take a sample addon and build over it
That is what i'd do.
Really, can you just stop.
It is also used as a kind of "preprocessor"
(above 3 are felipe not knowing what hes talking about)
tl;dr an average brazillian signs up for the blockland forums