Author Topic: FelipeO_O - handicap, stuffposter, brazillian  (Read 10593 times)

Next time on "when forum games get too meta"

For those who don't click the quote:
it's a backwards thread, it started with me "locking" it and Felipe intentionally did the ban message wrong, it was part of the "thread has gone/is going to have gone nuts," IDK what Nix is talking about, guys act normal about the thread being backwards outside please

i intentionally stopped responding to him in that thread to avoid drama. i'm sure if i pressed it he'd probably say something stupid enough to get banned, at least temporarily, since his posts make no sense and dont add anything to the modification help topic.

when people claim they know something, most of the time they aren't pretending, filipe. you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

is he an alt? his personal message is ''Im back b@tches''

Wait, the Felipe link in the OP is a different Felipe than the one posting in the thread

tbh we should just rip the bandaid and ban all south americans from this website
But then we won't get filipe's addons

[insert irrelevant facts about glaceon and your actions and attempt to call you annoying as forget here]

I don't have a problem with him. /neutral
Why even bother posting if you're not going to explain why you don't have a problem with a user who is a problem?

/support, I was going to make this.  This kid reminds me of people on the Kongregate forums who post for the sake of increasing their postcount.  loving annoying.

i intentionally stopped responding to him in that thread to avoid drama. i'm sure if i pressed it he'd probably say something stupid enough to get banned, at least temporarily, since his posts make no sense and dont add anything to the modification help topic.

when people claim they know something, most of the time they aren't pretending, filipe. you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
You got the wrong brazilian.

you left out my favorite one so i'll post it here

so supersuit locks this for going out of control
and then he decides to go "HEHE LET ME MAKE A NEW ONE HUEEE"
how loving dense can you get

Why even bother posting if you're not going to explain why you don't have a problem with a user who is a problem?

Yeah, you literally have no reason to post considering the fact you have no problem with the user therefore you have nothing to say against the user, so why even post

adding brazillian is kinda handicapped

i could also say you are a handicapped person because you are 16 and you are a female, so please.