Author Topic: MSNBC host compares Annoying Orange's disdain for MSM to strange Russian journalist deaths  (Read 3617 times)

Tengen Topp McFrinkin Kekkeroni and Chease Pizza, truly you have made a fool of yourself in this place today, knave

I believe sir we have indeed been decimated by our own logic

No ad hominem is using a personal attack in place of an argument.

Calling someone handicapped is attack against their intelligence and by proxy the validity of their argument due to their supposed stupidity.

Tengen Topp McFrinkin Kekkeroni and Chease Pizza, truly you have made a fool of yourself in this place today, knave

Thanks young blood. I'll aim to get less involved in these sorts of altercations.

I saw that quickedit

As did I. Him calling me a handicap is almost a compliment.

Calling someone handicapped is attack against their intelligence and by proxy the validity of their argument due to their supposed stupidity.
There is no "by proxy" unless the person making the argument makes that clear themselves. If it's not specifically made as a part of the argument, then it's not a part of the argument.

That would be like saying "Oh, but Ipquarx, what you just said in that very post makes me look bad! And since that's an insult to my intelligence, you just committed an ad hominem."

In other words, a strawman.

Calling someone handicapped is attack against their intelligence

More like an observation of their behavior

and by proxy the validity of their argument due to their supposed stupidity.

Sure if they had no other argument. But what I see is that I could write a 10 paragraph response to someone on why they are wrong, but if I throw in that they are acting handicapped they focus their entire response on the fact that I called them a mean word. It's basically this

People need to stop misusing ad hominem like it's some kind of automatic debate winning word.

Well this layman has been taught different and is unfortunately stuck in his ways.

Well this layman has been taught different and is unfortunately stuck in his ways.

You can stop trolling now

An ad hominem is a personal attack. Calling me handicapped in the second sentence is an ad hominem. Using weasel words around it doesn't change anything.

Ad hominem is a personal insult in place of an argument. "You're wrong and you're handicapped" isn't ad hominem, "You're wrong because you're handicapped" would be ad hominem.

Either way, attempting to derail the point by attacking solely the fallacy is a fallacy itself. Good job!

You can stop trolling now

There's more than one definition to that on google and we both know it. Furthermore, definitions change over time and the last time I had any real experience or education on fallacies was long ago.

Ad hominem is a personal insult in place of an argument. "You're wrong and you're handicapped" isn't ad hominem, "You're wrong because you're handicapped" would be ad hominem.

Either way, attempting to derail the point by attacking solely the fallacy is a fallacy itself. Good job!

Thanks for sharing, young blood. You never could miss a chance to be smug.

Thanks for sharing, young blood. You never could miss a chance to be smug.

What do you expect me to do, let you accuse me of being a fallacy-using fraud? You're attacking my original post under the presumption that it had a fallacy, I had to correct the record so it wouldn't hurt my reputation here...

Also, fallacies are supposed to be telltale signs that the person you're arguing with is most likely an idiot. You're not supposed to call them out like you've snared them in a trap card. That just makes you look pretentious.

I think we can all agree that Corderlain is in the wrong here and that this post
Well this layman has been taught different and is unfortunately stuck in his ways.
signifies that he's refusing to acknowledge his wrongness. Let's try to get back on track here if possible and ignore any further trolling efforts he makes.

Corderlain is Orangeman. I guarantee it

What do you expect me to do, let you accuse me of being a fallacy-using fraud? You're attacking my original post under the presumption that it had a fallacy, I had to correct the record so it wouldn't hurt my reputation here...

Also, fallacies are supposed to be telltale signs that the person you're arguing with is most likely an idiot. You're not supposed to call them out like you've snared them in a trap card. That just makes you look pretentious.

That's ironic since calling them out willynilly has been your go to since you joined the forums.