Author Topic: MSNBC host compares Annoying Orange's disdain for MSM to strange Russian journalist deaths  (Read 3601 times)

Oh stuff he could be

Orangeman was recently banned and was only here to troll.

The shoe fits doesn't it?

Orangeman was recently banned and was only here to troll.

The shoe fits doesn't it?
Not gonna lie, it really does

Luckily I'm not here to troll and you all just have a knee jerk reaction to anything you don't recognize or agree with.

That's ironic since calling them out willynilly has been your go to since you joined the forums.

I joined the forum when I was 14. Maybe in the seven years I've been here I've called out a fallacy here and there. I really don't think that makes this ironic considering you were calling out fallacies incorrectly regardless.

Anyways, you can point out how hypocritical I am thanks to my teenage self 5+ years ago but at the end of the day, you were f*rickin wrong and I didn't ad hominem you... I am truly a yugioh master of fallacy cards!

Anyways, you can point out how hypocritical I am thanks to my teenage self 5+ years ago but at the end of the day, you were frickin wrong and I didn't ad hominem you... I am truly a yugioh master of fallacy cards!
You just activated my trap card