what forumers would you team up with to build shelter from the apocalypse

Author Topic: what forumers would you team up with to build shelter from the apocalypse  (Read 2919 times)

Maxwell, Doughboy, snot, tails and any other UK forumers.
Because (besides being practical) if it's the end of the world then by God we're having a UK Blocklander convention.
Exactly, we can have a few pints in the local pub, sing And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time and talk about traditional British values.

F3D323 and Metalliku because who else will I drink mate and eat chori with?

jun, stevej and mcjob - we're good at heists on gta
nonnel, jairo, decepticon, swat one, zharthon, tristan and jun + the whole nation rp crew - form some nation of our own
like everyone from the clique - self explanatory

Maxwell, Doughboy, snot, tails and any other UK forumers.
Because (besides being practical) if it's the end of the world then by God we're having a UK Blocklander convention.
Exactly, we can have a few pints in the local pub, sing And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time and talk about traditional British values.
also a good combo, I'd throw jam jar in there too

Alexfrost, Acorncake, Maxwell and IkeTheGeneric

Me - Architect (repairing the damage done to the base and building structures)
Myself - Lookout (seeing if an intruder is snooping around)
I - Defense (defending the base using the weapons we have)

insertnamehere but not because of guns but because he is so small he will be able to fit in ventilationshafts and what not

insertnamehere but not because of guns but because he is so small he will be able to fit in ventilationshafts and what not
Kek yeah aside from guns, I am very short so that is also a good advantage

for complete practicality, it'd be cavik, inh, unwritten calendar, and mcjob
cavik because he has a bunch of weaponry stuff, inh for the same, duck because he can apparently run, and mcjob because he's lived in a stuffty, hellish environment his whole life
aside from that, most of the fish tank crew + a few other cool guys like lego lad or reso or whatever

it depends. does any of you have a nuclear bunker somewhere?

INH for guns, Lego Lad for puns, Gr8dayseth for planning, Nix for distracting, Cooolguy32.

u guys are going to a 15 y/o for guns instead of people in the military, wat

u guys are going to a 15 y/o for guns instead of people in the military, wat

who needs trained military personal when you can have knock off leather jackets, airsoft guns and glaceon plushies