Author Topic: what forumers would you team up with to build shelter from the apocalypse  (Read 3171 times)

I'd team up with any forumer because y'all the realest brothers out there and I mean that from the bottom of my left nip.


building shelter is for pussies, real men travel the wasteland on mutant horses and spears

M8 don't leave me!
Oh god i always forget about you and i feel awful :(((
I'd also take SWAT One because I think he's a real swell guy

i trusted u
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 02:17:50 AM by Taciturn »

kompressor. our shelter will be the shadows

We are not expendable nor manual labor. Well. Maybe bedpost is
clone 40 bedposts

Thanks but I'd probably die from lack of insulin
You can have mine :)
wow biased you just say that because you helped his jailbreak!!

a tonie coz he can climb everything and play magic
me coz i already built a fallout vault and giant underground labs/shelters
ant coz he doesnt suk at aiming unlinke me lol

you know, said apocalypse never really was stated.

is it zombies?
is it the only people left on earth?
is it radioactive dragons from the moon?
is it all of those at once somehow?

these are questions that need to be answered
unless they already were oops

you know, said apocalypse never really was stated.

is it zombies?
is it the only people left on earth?
is it radioactive dragons from the moon?
is it all of those at once somehow?

these are questions that need to be answered
unless they already were oops
it can be the zombie apocalypse, purge, aliens, heck even the crossed if youre into that
what forumers would you party up with. (4 to 5, maybe 6) and what duty would they have? who's gonna cook whos gonna guard w/eeeeee you kNOW what im talking about

Team Cohort- Builders
Tony- Scavenger
Lego Lad- Comedian
Bones4- Defense
Pastrey Crust- Bait
Lord Furdle- Guy who dies first

you guys  are weird
apparently being able to climb small stuff warrants a toxic attitude