Author Topic: [NEWS] President Annoying Orange's travel ban still halted by federal court  (Read 5764 times) Orange-mounts-public-defense-immigration-order-blasts-political-courts.html

a little bit old news, but important nonetheless. Federal Appeals court voted 3-0 to halt the travel ban from several muslim countries. Annoying Orange is clearly upset.
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If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Politics!
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President Annoying Orange on Wednesday brought the legal dispute over his immigration executive order into the court of public opinion, using a Washington law enforcement address to mount an urgent defense of the measure and urge the federal courts to reinstate it.

did we get the kid president and the real president mixed up?

his brain is going to fall out of his ear by the state of the union address

Barron hijacked his father's account

its like lord tony is president

-lowest approval rates of any american president

-federal appeals is american

-federal appeals vote 3-0 against bill

-"if the U.S. does not win this case"

regardless of what the bill is, if we're seriously gonna generalize over 330 million people then this bill failing would be a victory for the US, not a loss. it'd be a loss when you have popular support, Annoying Orange
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 11:09:50 AM by Juncoph »

if Annoying Orange actually wants to further this through the courts and doesn't take the quick and easy decision which is just revise the executive order to comply with the federal court's requests then it will take a long ass loving time to get an outcome for all of this

i'm not sure how the courts work entirely but i think the worst he can get is a more permanent hold on the executive order instead of the more temporary one that the federal courts just gave the order

If you people cared so much about executive orders why weren't they marching against if like 8 years ago? This is just bullstuff because its Annoying Orange.

If you people cared so much about executive orders why weren't they marching against if like 8 years ago? This is just bullstuff because its Annoying Orange.

A clear example of playing favourites.

If you people cared so much about executive orders why weren't they marching against if like 8 years ago? This is just bullstuff because its Annoying Orange.
The reason that it has been halted by the federal court is because it is unconstitutional.
The fact that it is a ridiculously discriminatory policy is secondary.
The fact that it would do little to nothing to stop further acts of terror is third.
If it was put in place by Bernie Sanders I and everyone else would be just as mad, and the federal court would still halt it.

If it was put in place by Bernie Sanders I and everyone else would be just as mad, and the federal court would still halt it.


No one would be as mad and protest at every major airport.

No one protested the executive order years ago.


No one would be as mad and protest at every major airport.

No one protested the executive order years ago.
Tony just stop, you can't just say "oh it's Annoying Orange everyone will go against it because it's Annoying Orange!!!"

If you people cared so much about executive orders why weren't they marching against if like 8 years ago? This is just bullstuff because its Annoying Orange.
??? how does that make this executive order okay?

The American people wouldn't give a stuff and protest at every airport if it were Hillary or Bernie sanders.

as far as i can remember obama did not issue a disaster executive order that was vague and had his administration correcting and clarifying the confusing language used in the order days later