Author Topic: [NEWS] Rick and Morty is being delayed, thanks women.  (Read 5881 times)


remember when adult swim was lacking on female writers and the [as] team basically said that was because women aren't funny?

yeah i remember that. really makes me think.

also rick and morty sucks so i'm glad it's being delayed
this some thing i can get behind

i actually dont like the show lol. its a less smart futurama, and a less funny south park.

i actually dont like the show lol. its a less smart futurama, and a less funny south park.
Futurama is awesome, but what makes futurama more smart?

Futurama is awesome, but what makes futurama more smart?

It got cancelled like 2 or 3 times. That's how you know a show is even remotely good.

also rick and morty sucks so i'm glad it's being delayed

your life is worthless and you waste my oxygen

I love how Tony just automatically relates it to Women just because they were recently hired, have you ever though there could be like, many more reasons behind this?

eh i didnt really like the new episode myself
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 09:44:41 AM by Decepticon »

I love how Tony just automatically relates it to Women just because they were recently hired, have you ever though there could be like, many more reasons behind this?

Nope not particularly

we get it tony
you're secretly gay

Rick and Morty was delayed by women

The showed the premier but the new season was suppose to start by now. Instead it's starting this summer.

Men are the ones who hired women to be on the writing team. It's actually men's fault for making that decision.

Men are the ones who hired women to be on the writing team. It's actually men's fault for making that decision.

Following that line I've deduced: This is the universe's fault

not news
stop trolling

not news

Not news anymore, this was news when I posted it.

Someone bumped it.