Author Topic: How do i make photoshop video editing run faster?  (Read 2042 times)

why the fucc are you using photoshop for that
i just spliced the vid down to 12 frames that i needed to edit, i like to use photoshop cuz i can draw on the frames and photoshop can put it out as a video still

optionally obtain a copy of adobe premiere and it should include good integration with photoshop, or even rotoscoping if thats what you needed to do

video rendering often takes 30 minutes, even hours.
leave it in the background and be patient.

i've heard photoshop is known for having slow video editing compared to premiere and such

Rendering is extremely CPU dependent
Not if you're using a GeForce CUDA-enabled application (which I believe the Adobe applications are). Hell, there's a series of (slightly expensive) plugins for all the major 3D Animation/Rendering tools which let you render to your GPU instead of the CPU, shaving rendering time down to mere minutes instead of hours for large projects (on account of a GPU being a collection of about 1000 dumb CPUs).

It is a completely pointless exercise to work with video in Photoshop, for the same reason it's stupid to do animation in 3DS Max or write a dissertation in Unreal 4 UMG. The application isn't built for that, and the reason it has video support is not for the purpose you're trying to bend it into.

More to the point, rendering is a time consuming process on a CPU-bound system. It has to do one frame at a time, and if it takes 1 frame a second and there's 9000 frames to do the math. RAM would help slightly, but I suspect based on your history that you have a stuffty system to begin with, so the CPU itself and the motherboard's bandwidth aren't going to help matters.

You can try following this tutorial from Adobe to see if your system is compatible with OpenGL Acceleration, but it probably won't make that much difference overall.

Either get a better application that is suited to the job, buy a better system or downscale the resolution and chop the frame count in half.

Rendering is extremely CPU dependent
actually rendering goes allot faster when you do with a graphics card
or atleast as far as my experience goes

Also use adobe animate (aka adobe flash) if you want to do something frame by frame.
Its literally made for that

speaking of frames, there are 9000+
you got 9000 frames and you expect the program to run at all fuq you mean boy

you got 9000 frames and you expect the program to run at all fuq you mean boy
Thats like 5 minutes of video
Implying hes using 30fps

implying fps matters instead what matters is that there's 9000 freaking frames/layers in a single instance of photoshop

Unlike other, smarter VIDEO editing applications, depending on how your layers are setup, Photoshop will keep them all in memory, and any time you make a change it has to recalculate the result of the entire layer stack for display.

Photoshop is not made for complex, 10k layer projects. You're supposed to start grouping and merging stuff when you get into the hundreds.

rendering is usually dependent on gfx card

this is why sony vegas is great. it uses the video card while ps uses cpu.

this is why sony vegas is great. it uses the video card while ps uses cpu.
i was so sure that rendering used gfx card and then inh said it was cpu so i looked it up lol
i'm torn

i was so sure that rendering used gfx card and then inh said it was cpu so i looked it up lol
i'm torn
Don't listen to INH.

Vegas doesn't use GPU Acceleration by default, but can be turned on. Like the Adobe Suite, only certain cards are supported (to the point that Vegas will flat out ignore others).