Author Topic: United Liberation Front (Anti-furry coalition) - This is absurd  (Read 127228 times)

Thot Patrol at least plays the game but most of the thread is still just memes and stuffposting, so I guess you guys are slightly less stuffe than the average joke clan
Sounds like what a thot would say

Lets also not forget you should be banned for flaming so you really dont get a say

You are such a hypocrite lol

I will destroy all the furries and the clans with my huge muscled and anger

Sounds like what a thot would say
No way man I hate thots haha.....ha... thot?? Where??

Patton's going way too far with the furry stuff.


I will destroy all the furries and the clans with my huge muscled and anger
My name is not important...

Worth noting that Patton, Raven, and Siphon Curry (whoever that is) were going out of their way to be complete starfishs on The Good One Discord as well. You cunt nuggets need to be banned.

Worth noting that Patton, Raven, and Siphon Curry (whoever that is) were going out of their way to be complete starfishs on The Good One Discord as well. You cunt nuggets need to be banned.
This includes unsourced allegations that I attacked minecraft servers when I never did, leading to a long as argument that in the end failed to change their minds.
They said they were still collecting evidence against me from other people, but failed to present what they had already. At this point, if any "evidence" comes up, expect it to be made up and not real.

The only person I've been an "starfish" to in there have been inh for being a handicap in the siscord(an opinion held by many other people in the chat) and queeba attacking minecraft servers.

Pretty much, Siphon Curry was the main one attacking me for supposedly attacking servers, although patton decided to be a fool and side with him.
You have no evidence or anything to prove your supposed "allegations" that I went around and attacked servers on Minecraft.
The only reason this was made up was a vile attempt at damaging my reputation, and any sane person on these forums would recognize that this is just another stupid rumor.
Both Siphon and patton have some grudge or something towards me, and in the discord, when I pointed out to patton that he was being stupid by making the anti-furry clan, they ended up attempting to turn it on me by saying "oh look, queeba attacks minecraft servers, yet he attacks us for doing stupid things!!!1!"
They claimed that they were continuing to collect evidence against me from "close friends" and other people, without stating who they are, and most of all, they did not state any sort of evidence whatsoever that they may have already had.
At this point, they may pull a zapk and fabricate evidence in order to attempt to incriminate me. If you see any evidence that these two make up, don't believe that it is true, because I never once attacked minecraft servers, and there are already multiple red flags that show that they are aware that I didn't actually do anything, but they continue to accuse me anyway.
Patton and Siphon, like Mr. Bones said, are starfishs, including discords like The Good One, where the argument mainly took place.

Also, noedit: Siphon Curry on the discord is Ravencroft.

Absolutly not made up, considering I've had 2 people tell me you're doing it.

wow a whole two people

that's it queeba you're going to jail

This is perhaps one of the most pathetic groups to spring up on the forums.