Author Topic: United Liberation Front (Anti-furry coalition) - This is absurd  (Read 127227 times)

When will patton360 be banned for making these "joke" (or serious) threads?

When will patton360 be banned for making these "joke" (or serious) threads?
considering I'm not doing anything bannable and Phanto can make a thread titled "aaa" without repercussions I'm going to have to say no.

Young adult leads revolution against furries in Blockland Forums - times will never be the same.

considering I'm not doing anything bannable
And now is where i'll bring up Patton's post from the Furry Megathread: Possibly NSFW

The post in question contains censored research, like, actual butt-love, but no visible genitals, because censors, but it's obvious as to what's going on there

Now i'll admit that me and the other people throughout the topic have posted some things that could also be considered NSFW, most of which are usually just bulges through clothes, and some other image way earlier in the thread was even of a naked woman with her nipples and vagina scribbled out (and i don't even know how they were able to get away with that), but NEVER did we ever take a pictures of characters having love and censor it just to post it on the BLF

And the fact that it has that Garfield with the face, AKA, Betelgeuse, is just further insult as Betelgeuse, or that face in general, is like a mascot to the Nigerian Cunts

Going as far as censoring an image with actual love or procrastination in it should be a bannable offense, or at the very least, have your post deleted if it gets reported

If you piss off MLD you know you done forgeted up.

We mustn't fight the furries with violence, but with medical aid; you don't shoot an epidemic away, you vaccinate the population.

dude speaking of vaccination i just remembered that i didn't get my flu shot forget

I havent gotten any shot in years and I'm fine rip

The last shot I've ever had was anaesthesia back in 2012 when I had surgery

i got vaccinated once but i sucked out all the fluid so the polio cancelled out my autism

i got vaccinated once but i sucked out all the fluid so the polio cancelled out my autism
quote of the year

i got vaccinated once but i sucked out all the fluid so the polio cancelled out my autism
try it again

thot patrol server is fun but that's my only connection

- nonnel

whom does thousmt think ye are

i am amazed that someone who absolutely loathes furries will dedicate so much time to disliking them

Someone has to lead the charge

Someone has to lead the charge

Are you sure someone has to lead the charge? Or rather, are you sure there has to be a charge?

Furries are firmly contained inside the Furry Megathread, just as good as the SCP Foundation contains anomalous objects. If you don't know what I just said, you don't need to. They're just very good at what they do.

If you feel the unreasonable need to raid their cell they're trapped in, then too bad. This means an unreasonable need.