General Omega

Author Topic: General Omega  (Read 8047 times)

I love this thread.

Mainly because General Omega has been owned in so many ways that it seems impossible.

On topic:
Monty > Omega

Off topic:
Thanks for helping me with my chemistry homework!  :cookieMonster:

Not your thread. You get out.

He mostly good person. He get manic episodes but other than that he mostly good. Yes, he can seem like a noob at times. Yes, he is getting owned left and right in this thread. Yes, he should get out of that damned roblox war. No, he is not a bad person, he sticks up for me when a person feels like making fun of me. I say this, General Omega can be noob-ish at times, and that is only when other people are being noob-ish, and I say noobish as in mean or annoying, but he is mostly a great guy that is a lot of fun to play with, if you don't like him, to bad for you. Wow! Did I really say all of that in one sentence?!
DAMNIT LET ME POST!!!! Every time its:
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1 thanks doorman
2 it has my name on it

Can you lock it? No. Not yours.

No offence General but it really is:
Everyone > us few
:'( Am I included for sticking up for him?

Yeah, he good with Wrench events.  You guys are cigarettes for flaming him like this.  Yes he can be an ass sometimes, but so can the rest of us.

wow that was a way more intelegent conversation then the stuip alice bot thing

thanks guys

Yeah, he good with Wrench events.  You guys are cigarettes for flaming him like this.  Yes he can be an ass sometimes, but so can the rest of us.
That pretty much sums up my rant lol

Yeah, he good with Wrench events.  You guys are cigarettes for flaming him like this.  Yes he can be an ass sometimes, but so can the rest of us.
Damn, he beat me to it

Intelligence is defined as:

1.   capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

You obviously lack it.  You have not learned that grammar is a necessity whilst defending yourself.  You haven't reasoned anything.  You have no understanding of the insults thrown at you.  There is no mental activity.  You cannot grasp the simplicity of this post.  You fail to see the relationships between posts of dislike, yet adore those who compliment you in some form or another.  You try to use facts that have no basis in this discussion.  And you don't know the meaning of go away.  etc.

i read the last part and that is true i have no meaning of go away. here are some facts about me:

i am persistant


i am the first case of study that if i have a dictionary infront of me i cant spell the word correctly

i usually have to phyicly fight people insted of having insults

i usually dont give a stuff about anything sept for if my computer is running

i dont care


i really dont care. if you where on a clif about to die i would be the one who says sucks to be you

loyal to the point i get annoying

dont listen alot

can symotiniously piss off everyone in the school ( dont do it you get mobs running at ya )

and am constatly surrounded by a bunch of idiots so dumb that they dont have any meaning of the # 0 ( Nway ko ) yes she i that dumb. im suprised that she isnt in remediation in 1st grade

this isnt a large list of fults. it is small compaired to some people's list. almost everyone can make a list like this. the ones who cant have downs.