Author Topic: LemonJuice [BLID: 85847] Getting pissed over opinions  (Read 3088 times)

This guy is sour, really sour.

So, a few days ago I joined this guys Post apoc "rp"
People were complaining about him RDMing and spawn camping, he was.
There was a custom uniform thing everyone wore, so I asked if he could possibly remove the custom uniform.

After that, he claims its a military uniform, then I ask "what if I wanted to be a robot?"

He simply then replies with "forget off"

He then says that he never said that.

He then, kicks me.

Today, he was hosting a WWI rp and I misread it at WWI merp.

He, obviously gets pissed off about it.

After awhile of him yelling at connor for giving him ideas and whatnot,

So he throws a stuffty insult out of his 10 year old ass, as expected, he bans me.

"Arguing with admins/RDM"

First off, even when I was on that stuffty post apoc server, I didn't kill anyone.
Second of all, how was I "arguing" with him? He was arguing with everyone about stupid stuff that they said, and about 80% of the stuff that came out of other peoples mouths were not insults or unreasonable stuff.

Do not join this guys server, he is a really angry kid without a real reason to be angry.


This guy is sour, really sour.

ot: oh hey another prepubescent kid who thinks he can run a server

I see what you did there.


This guy banned me for killing a guy in our trench at night
even though he said it was allowed if they came in kek

Kind of reminds me of when I was young.
I was a loving knob.

that lemon is too bitter for a lemonade.


What a starfish

"Hey! Who are you to argue with me? I'm Admin! im a saint!"

Honestly i dont give a stuff if whether a person is admin.

what a kike

oy vey

OT: this kid is one of those admins who thinks he can run the server like his own little fascist state, probably because hes a weakling and gets picked on IRL. And Blockland is the only place he has any real power.

/Support he sounds like a bellend

aha h Ah a!  sour puns

OT: dude looks like a dumbass; support

yeah tru unfriending him