

is meat good?

why not

Author Topic: question  (Read 1409 times)

is human meat an animal product?  :iceCream:

sure it's delicious try it

I hear it tastes like veal sooooo

« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 01:09:25 PM by Jaighter »

no, its not an animal product because humans arent animals. its kind of like saying a bomb is a gun. theyre both weapons of warfare, just like how human meat and animal meat are both flesh, but they are fundamentally different in their use. (sane) people don't eat human flesh. it's cannibalism.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 01:09:53 PM by Planr »

yeh i eat human meat all the time
it's delicious, only problem is the screaming when you're hunting a human

no, its not an animal product because humans arent animals.
i don't understand your brain

no, its not an animal product because humans arent animals.
Next you're gonna tell me  shrimp aren't fish. lol planr.

hmm... lets find out