Author Topic: Lol ok Susan, you need to find other original ways to dismiss people.  (Read 32963 times)

It was a question that I asked you because you said you don't advocate bestiality and I asked you if you join human/animal love rp servers because it is what you've been known to frequently join.

That's not flaming.
you're making up lies just to not look like an ass

Know your flaming 101:

If I said "aren't you a dog loving friend?" even that may not be flaming depending on the context.

If I blatantly said "hey you're a dog loving friend" for no reason, that would be flaming.

What was actually said though.

are you seriously triggered by kissing

so you'd rather have 2 animals licking the inside of eachother's mouth than them kissing
and we're the degenerates

Nix don't you participate in Glaceon/human love RP servers?

Even though I never implied that and I don't know why you assumed I'm fine with 2 animals licking inside their mouth. It's actually normal for animals to lick inside each others mouth because that's how they clean each other.

Pie Crust's avatar is a human kissing a dog on the lips and you're basically defending it.

why am I not surprised about whos in this agruement

Know your flaming 101:

If I said "aren't you a dog loving friend?" even that may not be flaming depending on the context.

If I blatantly said "hey you're a dog loving friend" for no reason, that would be flaming.
you said it for no reason lmao
even with the quotes, you were saying it after we were talking about pie crust's avatar, which has no correlation with me at all
Even though I never implied that and I don't know why you assumed I'm fine with 2 animals licking inside their mouth. It's actually normal for animals to lick inside each others mouth because that's how they clean each other.
you'd rather see two dogs Frenching than them smooching because "it's natural"
Pie Crust's avatar is a human kissing a dog on the lips and you're basically defending it.
both me and you thought that it was two dogs kissing, and because it was realized that it was a human kissing a dog, you're using that as an excuse to make me look more like an ass
do you not understand how handicapped you sound

I didn't.
you said it out of nowhere

you think it correlates to pie crust's avatar

that's like Donald Annoying Orange relating to mexico

Like I said if you purely believe it was flaming then make a drama topic about it, you don't have to completely turn this unrelated topic into a discussion about who was flaming who.

The internet is an amazing place. I would have never thought I'd see 13 year old and a 26 year old engage in an argument.

The internet is an amazing place. I would have never thought I'd see 13 year old and a 26 year old engage in an argument.
I never thought i'd encounter people that want to forget pokemon either

The internet is an amazing place. I would have never thought I'd see 13 year old and a 26 year old engage in an argument.

What's worse is that he still didn't answer the question and he's trying to side step the argument. So now we'll never know if he does or doesn't join love rp servers.

The internet is an amazing place. I would have never thought I'd see 13 year old and a 26 year old engage in an argument.
wait what
he's 26 and yet he can't take a loving opinion
I never thought i'd encounter people that want to forget pokemon either
What's worse is that he still didn't answer the question and he's trying to side step the argument. So now we'll never know if he does or doesn't join love rp servers.
you weren't saying it to ask a question, you were saying it to insult me and you keep denying it

Why do you care so much over what he does tony? He ain't your kid

Like I said if you purely believe it was flaming then make a drama topic about it, you don't have to completely turn this unrelated topic into a discussion about who was flaming who.
why would one even bother making a drama topic about you
everybody already knows you're an assbag
I never thought i'd encounter people that want to forget pokemon either
i never thought id encounter someone who refuses to let go of the past harder than a historian

you were saying it to insult me and you keep denying it

If I wanted to insult you I would just do it.