Author Topic: a school blocked the blockland forums  (Read 5538 times)

Trying to connect to steam and Blockland in-game doesn't work, like before winter break last year I was able to play boss battles on my laptop like lunch then after that, they rooster-blocked steam and blockland. I can still use the forums tho.

they blocked bl a long time ago with no reason :(
4chan is blocked for questionable content
^i should rephrase
4chan itself isnt banned but every board is
use a proxy or vpn

use a proxy or vpn

Make sure to be sneaky. As stated my school managed to block vpn, they found out cause everyone was using it.

My school, presumably because every student has received a student-laptop, unblocked imgur, deviantart, steam, and battlenet (among several other things).
Blockland forums has never been blocked, and the last time i was called into the office for something related to an incident with my computer, the junior grade manager told me that he was pretty sure that if he used some program that i forgot the name of, that he would see a bunch of student-issued computers using a vpn. They just don't care enough to do anything about it, I guess. lol

Here in Finland, nothing is blocked

why would you browse the forums at school and you can try a browser called tor but its slow but it should work since it goes through 2 ips to connect to the internet

Here in Finland, nothing is blocked
We tried to block google by ourselves but it didn't work

Blf is my favorite research site

here in france nothing is blocked too
anyway if anything was blocked none would care coz everyone is using internet on phones
we will still have ability to connect wifi

lol why specifically blockland forum?

this is rather stupid

why would you browse the forums at school and you can try a browser called tor but its slow but it should work since it goes through 2 ips to connect to the internet
use a proxy or vpn

UPDATE: apparently isnt blocked
but the forums are blocked?


Most firewalls block websites using keywords or metadata information from the websites. Not necessarily an IT overlord calling the shots on what websites you visit.

Most firewalls block websites using keywords or metadata information from the websites. Not necessarily an IT overlord calling the shots on what websites you visit.
FYI, the school actually buys the physical rack mount server when they get lightspeed. I guess they come preloaded with a huge database of known blocked websites, and it's probably updated from time to time based on cumulative research from other customers, but the final configuration of what categories and what websites are blocked is up to the end user. It's not universal. Also, they run a proprietary OS which explains why filtering is so fast. I gotta admit they know what they're doing- the entire software suite is slick and very user friendly.
Does your school use lightspeed? It conveniently has an admin panel accessible from virtually anywhere on the domain if you just have the administrator user and pass. To get that, try breaking into the domain controller. I got into mine via the insecure tftp boot they have set up for imaging. They had an administrative account stored in the config files that you can use to log into the samba share and then obtain SYSTEM/SAM which has the local admin account password hash in it. And from there you can probably remotely log into the DC and grab ntds.dit assuming your school uses active directory, then just get the user and pass and unrestrict yourself on the wifi.