Author Topic: [►WIP] Skill4Life's Pirate Adventure (Locked Until Finished)  (Read 51006 times)

hey im friends with conan how do i get onto this server man

hey im friends with conan how do i get onto this server man

no nerds allowed!

How about me brother?  Am I a nerd?

only nerds put two spaces between each sentence

How about three spaces brother?   Am I still a nerd now???

u sound like hulk hogan, nerd

only nerds put two spaces between each sentence

ur an fruit

The Ballad of Unfufilled Potential
I have rhymed to Skill4Life
Stabbing him like a knife
Yet he hasn't even noticed
This I can protest
For the password hasn't been given to me
And sad is what I be
A worker
A man
Trying to plan
A way I can get him
To notice me


I swear to this man
That with this hand
I can build, destroy
Though all I am is a boy
An asset I can be
An asset that is free
Working with a group of those with talent
And with them, I will be gallant

So what I'm trying
(No I'm not lying)
To get across to you
(Yes, this is true)
Is that i can be a builder
Not just some filler
But be a cool kid
That you won't forbid.

The Ballad of Unfufilled Potential

Sounds like jammin'. Sing to what rhythm?

Sounds like jammin'. Sing to what rhythm?
It's more of a poem than anything, so find out different ways to style it so it's in tune with a time beat.
But, if it's the voice you're looking for, I'd suggest Guru Ant's.

lol, I offered to help but I guess I'm just not good enough :(
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 07:59:06 PM by The Brighter Dark »

lol, I offered to help but I guess I'm just not good enough :(

sry, its not that its just that we already got a forgetton of people working on it. if i let everyone help the entire game would prolly be on it

are u done with volcano yet you big nerd?