Author Topic: Reasons to vote for democrats: A comprehensive Guide [#1 BESTSELLER]  (Read 1359 times)

CNN is fake news, can you get a credible source?

conservatives are so dumb they buy a book with no words in it

conservatives are so dumb they buy a book with no words in it
saw this one comin
i mean its kinda like buying an art piece or like, fine china

Here's a bit of a conundrum: if your entire basis of humor relies on riling up the liberals, and you do it so much you effectively desensitize them, numbing them to all shock value you previously relied entirely on, what happens to stuff like this when nobody laughs?

In a vacuum it's just a book that has nothing in it. If nobody gets upset over this, that's all it is.

this idea was already done by someone else, so that's pretty sad

1. Find some sort of controversial issue and pick a side on it.
2. Create a "Reasons to support _____" book with blank pages.
3. Rile up hype for your parody book and get people to buy it, strictly so it goes up to #1 on Amazon
4. Reap in profits

meanwhile the best lefties can think of is Ukrainian police officers peeing on the ground, Mary Sue Star Wars characters and BLM Captain America

this idea was already done by someone else, so that's pretty sad
yup. "Why Annoying Orange Deserves Trust, Respect and Admiration"

theres also "things men know about women" iirc

meanwhile the best lefties can think of is Ukrainian police officers peeing on the ground, Mary Sue Star Wars characters and BLM Captain America
god dam captain america really does it all, he's a national socialist one second and an advocate against racially charged police brutality the next

god dam captain america really does it all, he's a national socialist one second and an advocate against racially charged police brutality the next

Here's a bit of a conundrum: if your entire basis of humor relies on riling up the liberals, and you do it so much you effectively desensitize them, numbing them to all shock value you previously relied entirely on, what happens to stuff like this when nobody laughs?

In a vacuum it's just a book that has nothing in it. If nobody gets upset over this, that's all it is.
I mean it's not just conservatives that do this. Plenty of liberals' senses of humor are just repeating the same stuffty lines and phrases from John Oliver.
meanwhile the best lefties can think of is Ukrainian police officers peeing on the ground,
Wait what?