Author Topic: Freeday - ID: 107022 - Ridiculous Perma Bans + Toxic Behaviour  (Read 5128 times)

Let's talk about Freeday. As of today I've seen countless users getting permanently banned for rather odd reasons on Freeday's server by Freeday himself. I've never witnessed him give out warnings and when somebody commits a minor offense it usually results in a permanent ban.
I have been permanently banned twice from his server. Yes, twice! The first time I got permanently banned was on his RP server and it was for accidently shooting Freeday, not even an RDM! I got banned for "Mass RDM" which I obviously did not do. A couple of weeks later I joined his server again and to my surprise my ban was gone. The second permanent ban was today and it was for baseplate spam. I mean really? I get banned for having a few too many baseplates? I don't even get a warning and yet I'm banned. How ridiculous!? His responses to these bans are even worse. At the start I said "countless users" so I'm going to go over other players permanent bans from Freeday. Let's start with I'm_Gay.avi. Freeday's response to his ban was; "If I can't join your server you can't join mine". This is because Freeday is currently banned from I'm_Gay.avi's server so in retaliation he bans him for his server which is extremely childish and immature in my opinion. Another person who got permanently banned was DawidK14. I know what you're thinking, DawidK14 doesn't have the best reputation however the reason he got banned is just awful. I actually witnessed this ban today and I still don't understand the reason for his ban. From what I know DawidK14 got banned for having bricks which used the kill event on them. This is not an acceptable reason to ban somebody. Freeday's response to the ban was that DawidK14 should have used a baseplate and Freeday later responded with "you handicap" which isn't very proffesional. This was all happening over Blockland Glass. I'm sick of Freeday's toxic behaviour and it's getting worse. I'd like to know what you think. I have some evidence as well which I'll post shortly.

DawidK14's ban message:

also here are the fixed images

You left out the part where you admitted to spamming 1x1fs with the Dup. Posting pics and responding when I get home. Also on ny rp you got an smg and fired into a corridor, killing tons of us. Also thanks for including a pic of Spar and Dawid discussing in BLG how to crash my server - helps alot! Also Dawid flamed people and duplicated kill bricks everywhere. Gay was also banned for other things he did to me. Also I never said he sgouldve used a baseplate, pics in 2hrs.

You left out the part where you admitted to spamming 1x1fs with the Dup. Posting pics and responding when I get home. Also on ny rp you got an smg and fired into a corridor, killing tons of us. Also thanks for including a pic of Spar and Dawid discussing in BLG how to crash my server - helps alot! Also Dawid flamed people and duplicated kill bricks everywhere. Gay was also banned for other things he did to me. Also I never said he sgouldve used a baseplate, pics in 2hrs.

well i might regret my support right now

Freeday, do I need to bring up the fact that you're a known troll called dogling? Your BL_ID matches up perfectly.

Evidence 1:

Evidence 2:

Actually most of what gay did was also in cooperation with other moderators such as me and Quezni (Known as Dell on the forums.)

Heres what gay did to freeday on his server.

1) Banned him (Not perma.) for resetting the map out of nowhere.

2) Got unbanned after whining.

3) Banned him for doing warmongering to the extreme.

4) Got unbanned after whining.

5) Got banned for being extremely childish. That is still active.

Actually most of what gay did was also in cooperation with other moderators such as me and Quezni (Known as Dell on the forums.)

Heres what gay did to freeday on his server.

1) Banned him (Not perma.) for resetting the map out of nowhere.

2) Got unbanned after whining.

3) Banned him for doing warmongering to the extreme.

4) Got unbanned after whining.

5) Got banned for being extremely childish. That is still active.
Can confirm.

Actually most of what gay did was also in cooperation with other moderators such as me and Quezni (Known as Dell on the forums.)

Heres what gay did to freeday on his server.

1) Banned him (Not perma.) for resetting the map out of nowhere.

2) Got unbanned after whining.

3) Banned him for doing warmongering to the extreme.

4) Got unbanned after whining.

5) Got banned for being extremely childish. That is still active.
nah nevermind im not gonna regret my /support

please explain this instead of just posting the link
if you don't feel like reading why bother posting this