Author Topic: does anyone know any recommended client addons and game enhancements?  (Read 1217 times)


like any dll and client addon to enhance the game experience

I use this all the time
also new duplicator is good but that's not really client
speedometers are useful, especially with cruise control

rapidfire mod
compass/waypoint mod
the cinema theater script by conan
addon favorites mod

Too Many Bricks Inventory

found on this thread:

Alternatives are brick scroll and such. you can look up mods that edit the brick inventory by doing searches with the relevant keywords

I find these to be pretty useful:


New Duplicator

Block Cam V 1.2

Add-on Presets

Blockland Glass 4.0

Weapon functionality

Obstruct Radius Damage "Prevents radius damage and knockback from explosions when standing behind bricks."