Author Topic: Lord Tony / King Tony: derailing topics, desperately trying to start drama, ect.  (Read 78988 times)

Your definition of flaming is different from the real definition of flaming though.
How's your reddit war against the bronies going?

quick question did grimlock get banned
I reported one of his posts where he straight up flamed someone and i'm wondering

What does this have to do with me though? I don't recall Grimlock being in the title.

What does this have to do with me though? I don't recall Grimlock being in the title.
You're absolutely right tony, lets bring it back to you and the bronies

Tony is currently posting on multiple discords trying to recruit people to 'kill' the pony artwork on reddit's r/place

Pretty sad

he just keeps going holy stuff

yeah tony what's up with that

april fools joke: badspot bans everyone but tony, who's allowed to post whatever he wants

This joke has been going around for months now.

This joke has been going around for months now.
Can you explain the joke of stealing others avatars though?

he is trying to culturally appropriate Math Deer. this can not stand

I love that he can't respond on the pony stuff lmao

Boltster otr your baiting tony.

isnt it bannable as well to bait tony with pony stuff though? might be misinformed but im pretty sure it was

isnt it bannable as well to bait tony with pony stuff though? might be misinformed but im pretty sure it was
there has been one person yes

if you try to bait him on the pony stuff you /will/ get banned since you're just goading him to go against the rules. its the same as if you tell someone to spam topics for you - badspot will understand that you are part of the reason it happened and ban you as well. *cough* grimlock *cough*

I think it would be baiting if i had randomly brought up bronies. In this instance he has been posting on discords about bronies, which I have brought up here.

Supplying images of him trolling bronies in discords is much different yeah. Boltster's just saying it's funny because Tony is clearly trying to cover up this drama by triple posting and stuff-posting in LegoPepper's drama.

I think it would be baiting if i had randomly brought up bronies. In this instance he has been posting on discords about bronies, which I have brought up here.
i guess that makes sense, in which case do continue lol

Yeah Tony's talking about ponies off the forums and we're talking about that. That's not baiting, that's just saying it's funny that he can't respond to the drama he's making without getting banned.