Author Topic: A Spiral Knight's Adventure v2  (Read 840 times)

i changed the redux to v2 because there's already a forum game with redux in it and i thought maybe that'd be a bit rude so eh
Because the first one was too old because inactivity is a killer. Also it kinda sucked.
So hopefully this one doesn't. Now with less inactivity (i hope) and better posing and junk.
Also, I locked the old topic, so... here we go.

A Spiral Knight's Adventure v2

After getting an airboat (maybe i'll do a prequel to this forum game some day) and some way to even get here, you (the knight, though not sure if i should refer in first person or third person as usual) arrive at Excess Island, a place in apparently the middle of the ocean (nowhere), to find your lost squad whom have gone missing somewhere around this place. How you got the airboat or the means to get here in the first place, I have no idea.

You park your airboat in the little dock they have here and then turn to the right to hop off. Nobody's gonna steal your airboat, totally. Oh well, you have the keys anyways. (unless they do the knife trick like in that 'zilla movie with the cab escape, if that knife trick even legit works)

(just another view)

You hop off the airboat because you decided that parking it right next to the stairs was too mainstream. (or maybe because physics doesn't LET ME ((just kidding, it does let me, but, eh)))

You land on your feet in the water on the little slope, and...

Here we are, again...

But better. (and maybe bigger, later on, though this is obviously not bigger because there was more people here last time, you get the point) Either way, there's some people around here. Maybe they know where your squadmates might've gone... who knows.

What will you do?

Primary: Find your missing squadmates.
Secondary: None, yet.
None, so far.

lllll (100%)
1x Emergency Revive
5x Spark of Life


Cobalt Sword (2*)

Cobalt Helm (2*), Cobalt Armor (2*)


(none found, obviously)

None, yet.

Nobody knows you even exist.

hooray time for stuffty explanations (this post will be the only one that has this explanation, others won't, you don't have to read this if you don't want to)

So, the goal of this forum game is to find the knight's missing squadmates (using the knight, obviously) and then getting the heck out of there with them, but you can also goof around and do other things before finding your squadmates. You're not on some kind of stuffty nightmare mode or anything, so you have plenty of time to find them. There are obviously enemies here (last time it was the Combine) and your decisions and stuff will affect stuff, like if you get enemies other than the Combine (for instance, stealing someone's pickle jar and then throwing it on the ground). Your actions can also allow you to befriend people (who might just save you if you're in a pickle) and make them your allies.

Now, basic things. Your HEALTH meter up there shows how much health your knight has/how much abuse it can take. If it hits 0%, the knight dies (basic stuff) and has to revive using the Emergency Revive (only usable once, unless he finds some station to get another one, in which case, there's none here) or a Spark of Life (very rare in these parts, so you'll have to be careful). However, the knight can use medkits to heal himself (and how much they heal depends on what size the healing item is, like TF2's healing items). Try not to get into a fight you can't win or play carefully. Of course, the forum game doesn't just end right there if the knight dies and can't revive anymore, no.

Your SHIELD meter shows how much abuse your shield can take. At the moment, you have none (also because the guy who made the spiral knights ragdolls only put in swords as well, no guns or bombs or shields, nada), but once you get a shield (like, i dunno, a piece of a wall?) the shield gauge will show blue.

Your INVENTORY shows items you have on you. Basic stuff.

Your LOADOUT shows what items your knight currently has on/is carrying, for instance, the Cobalt Sword and a set of Cobalt Armor. (i'll get pictures of those later) Only Spiral Knights items have a star rating next to them, which means their tier in-game (in case you don't play spiral knights and you have no bloody idea what i'm talking about). Other items won't have that, unless I think "okay what star tier would this thing be" later on.

Your SQUADMATES shows what squadmates are missing/have been found. At the moment, they're all missing. However, as you explore Excess Island, their pictures will begin to show (like their eyes), telling you that you're getting close to them. Watch the pictures, if you want. Once they're in your party, they'll get their respective HEALTH and SHIELD gauges as well, and their loadouts. You can give your allies new weapons (or treat them like pack mules if you're sadistic) and other stuff to make them better in combat.

Your ALLIES show who you've befriended, though in some cases it'll show who isn't gonna shoot you while you're not looking. Like the SQUADMATES, they'll get HEALTH gauges (though not SHIELD gauges, unless you give them something to defend themselves with) and you can give them junk you don't need or something.

Your REPUTATION meter is somewhat important as to who becomes your allies or not. However, the meter changes on whether or not you do good or bad things in front of others. We're not on some bullstuff hard mode difficulty, though, so every little bad thing you do won't affect others. You should still be sneaky if you're gonna pull some bad stuff, though. If you do good things (like fighting off enemies with others, etc), the meter will extend to the right, and be green. If you do bad things (like murdering an innocent in front of others), the meter will extend to the left and be red. Your reputation may also affect your primary objective because people are gonna eventually try to cut your head off if it gets too red, so watch yourself. You can still do bad stuff, just don't do too much.

Sorry if this seems a bit too serious or something, I was thinking of doing some kind of a bit of a serious forum game, though you can still have the knight do some stupid stuff (like running around with two pickle jars screaming "I CAN'T OPEN THIS" or something), though he isn't a god or something. (another forum game i do will have a very high level of stupidity and insanity so don't worry), though I may dump the serious tone later so you can throw shovels at russian satellites in space so you can get sandviches, I don't know.

Also, at the moment, I'm using non-HWM models for the TF2 characters. If you want me to use HWM models, just say so, or something. I don't know.
If you have any suggestions for add-ons that I should get, you can let me know.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 06:57:09 PM by Blue Screen »

Activate bullstuff nightmare mode and bullstuff hard mode difficulty.

Ask that guy on the right leaning against the wall whether he saw some people that look like yourself before.

after that bash his face in with your sword handle just to make sure he doesn't turn into black hole

Activate bullstuff nightmare mode and bullstuff hard mode difficulty.

Ask that guy on the right leaning against the wall whether he saw some people that look like yourself before.

You ask the guy who's leaning against the wall if he saw anyone that looked like you before.

He says that he hasn't seen anyone like you before, though he suggested that you ask any of them, maybe the Sniper up there, to see if they've seen anyone like you. The Sniper is usually the lookout for this part of the island, so maybe he might've seen people who looked like you before.

after that bash his face in with your sword handle just to make sure he doesn't turn into black hole

To make sure he doesn't turn into a black hole, you bash him in the face with your sword handle. He obviously gets hurt because getting hit with a sword handle isn't painless. (or it just seems like the bottom part of your sword whatever)

He asks why the heck you hit him, and you tell him it was just so he didn't turn into a black hole.

He probably thinks you're a bit on the handicapped side now. At least he didn't do anything else. Either way, you look out towards the Scout, Heavy, Sniper, and anyone else standing out there. Maybe they know where your squadmates went...

What will you do now?

Primary: Find your missing squadmates.
Secondary: None, yet.
None, so far.

lllll (100%)
1x Emergency Revive
5x Spark of Life


Cobalt Sword (2*)

Cobalt Helm (2*), Cobalt Armor (2*)


(none found, obviously)

None, yet.

Not a lot of people know you even exist. Reputation is being counted now.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 07:43:06 PM by Blue Screen »