Author Topic: Apparently some UK kids go in packs and attack people  (Read 3317 times)

what has the world come to

"Aye, pay up, or all shank ya!"

Is this why they banned guns

this has been happening for a while now across Europe

even in loving australia

This is common in East, South and North London. I live in East where everyone is a try hard but stuff like this always happens to the point the police are always outside shops. I've seen several fights happen in my area

I think the worst one I saw was this all out gang attack, a group of 10 teenagers rushed a blonde girl, threw her onto the ground and kicked and punched her in the face. The teens left and police were called in immeadetly

goddamn eurocunts
and they call americans stupid

this is why all chavs (and less importantly, roadmen) need to be exterminated

they're a burden on general life in the uk and they dindu nuffin when the police arrive. they're skinny as forget meaning that they hang out in packs of 5+ so they'll never need to fight 1 on 1
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 06:04:40 PM by JumboMuffin »

majority of those teens are black lol

goddamn eurocunts
and they call americans stupid

You do get two schools of yours shot every two days...

But I guess that's fair. America is the land of the free, isn't it?

You do get two schools of yours shot every two days...

Isn't Greece known as the European forget-up?

Isn't Greece known as the European forget-up?

Known as the what the forget now?

this has been happening for a while now across Europe

even in loving australia
"You have reached a premium article"

Known as the what the forget now?
Ya know, the unwanted child.