Author Topic: My Apology to BLF and it's members  (Read 3952 times)

It must feel good to get all this attention over stuff that happened a long time ago and literally no one remembers.

This is precisely why apology threads are a bad idea and only further hurt the OP's reputation.
Stop being a richard for no reason. People like you are why these threads go bad.

I feel like it's people like you that make these kind of threads bad, like, if someone genuinely wants to apologize for something they did, then let them, don't make them feel worse about it
In addition to this, it makes more sense to apologize later rather than sooner, if it's too soon, then it won't seem as genuine, the person wouldn't have spent much time thinking about what they've done nor had time to reconsider their actions

It must feel good to get all this attention over stuff that happened a long time ago and literally no one remembers.

This is precisely why apology threads are a bad idea and only further hurt the OP's reputation.

Are you going to ban OP from your server for apologizing while you're at it?

so are u saying queebas a cunt

Are you going to ban OP from your server for apologizing while you're at it?
No because I don't ban people for stupid reasons

No because I don't ban people for stupid reasons

Dude's making a genuine and heartfelt apology and you just stuff all over him. Isn't that much of a stretch to assume that him admitting fault for bad behavior would have been grounds for a ban on your server considering you banned a guy for cracking a joke

Dude's making a genuine and heartfelt apology and you just stuff all over him. Isn't that much of a stretch to assume that him admitting fault for bad behavior would have been grounds for a ban on your server considering you banned a guy for cracking a joke
This never happened. You really must not know anything about how I run my server if you assume I ban people for making jokes.

you're officerkenny? damn, I remember you from 2015 or so on my old account, you were a nice guy.

You didnt even try.
i was semi referencing welcome to youtube by jelloapocalypse

There's really no need to make an apology thread unless you want the attention of the people you don't need to apologize to. PM'ing the people you feel like apologizing to is really all that's needed

Planr ease up a bit dude

You could just disappear for about two weeks, and any transgressions you've made here would be long forgotten.

You're not getting out that easily you filthy sandwhich you

There's really no need to make an apology thread unless you want the attention of the people you don't need to apologize to. PM'ing the people you feel like apologizing to is really all that's needed

Planr ease up a bit dude
I realize this, but It wasn't just to specific people I felt like I needed to apologize to the community as well.  My actions in the past weren't the best.