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Author Topic: Splatoon 2 - SSBU SPLATFEST: Heroes vs. Villains 12/14 at 8PM  (Read 76230 times)

furries getting console banned LOL
source pls

that's what they get for invading the relevant pictures with "draw furries!!!!!!!!!"

Well I mean a lot of the gamers are subjective, you can't just say "only these games are worth it and the rest suck"
I wasn't trying to imply that. I was just saying those are the only decent games in my eyes currently.
Yeah that games good too from what I've heard, not my type of game tho.

the switch is, indeed, worth it
it seems like a gimmick but it ensures that quality games are produced for a portable console. It's really nice to say "Well, gotta go somewhere" and grab the switch off its dock and leave with it and then play BotW or Fast RMX in the car.
probably not so great for those who actually have to DRIVE but hey you can play it wherever you're going when you get a break in whatever you're doing

source pls

that's what they get for invading the relevant pictures with "draw furries!!!!!!!!!"
i dont really have a source because i dont play the game
my friend whos a big splatoon buff was telling me about the huge ordeal

source pls

that's what they get for invading the relevant pictures with "draw furries!!!!!!!!!"
give me a little bit, there are some tweets from someone complaining that his pic was removed and he was banned. i'll need to find it again.

edit: found it

there's another tweet of him saying that he was banned "for just drawing a furry" when it was actually a very suggestive picture.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 11:29:26 PM by auzman466 »

If you can get it during the holiday season, do get it. Right now though, it isn't completely worth it. The only decent games currently are BoTW, MK8, and Splatoon 2, which to an extent can all be played on the Wii U. There's also quite a few indie games on it as well, but tbh I don't give two stuffs about those. There also isn't any Virtual Console. Basically, don't buy it unless you didn't own a Wii U.
Oh, is splatoon available for WiiU? From what I could find it's only on the switch but I could be wrong.

give me a little bit, there are some tweets from someone complaining that his pic was removed and he was banned. i'll need to find it again.

edit: found it

there's another tweet of him saying that he was banned "for just drawing a furry" when it was actually a very suggestive picture.
I find it sad half of his tweets he's just talking to himself.

Oh, is splatoon available for WiiU? From what I could find it's only on the switch but I could be wrong.
the first game was on the wii u

Oh, is splatoon available for WiiU? From what I could find it's only on the switch but I could be wrong.
The first game is on the Wii U, second game is Switch

As for the Switch its very much a beta test right now, moreso than other console launches. There's a huge lack of games and basic features like save data transfer/backup are still missing. I'd hop on the system next year when its a bit refined imo.

Splatfest tomorrow, get hype!

oh my god, look at these splatfest colors

blood and cum, anyone?

ur to young to no about cum...

there's another tweet of him saying that he was banned "for just drawing a furry" when it was actually a very suggestive picture.

anybody who draws tits in a kids game should automatically be console banned with no repeal ever


anybody who draws tits in a kids game should automatically be console banned with no repeal ever
Damn I drew tits on a kids game and I got banned? This is bullstuff, I should be able to repeal, I mean if I stuck my richard in a kid and got sent to jail I should be able to sue them for jailing me!

Also, I'm team ketchup, mayo is gross

oh my god, look at these splatfest colors
blood and cum, anyone?
Eh, hem.
Everyone knows this is really cum vs blood to create the stawberry shortcake splatfest.