Author Topic: Connecting to Linux Dedicated Server gets stuck on Loading Datablocks  (Read 3473 times)

Link to my other Issue: |
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As the title says i keep getting stuck on loading Datablocks when connecting to my dedicated Blockland server hosted on Linux. (Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS to be specific)

I don't know if its an Add-on or a network issue but i don't think anyone else can join either as i have seen people join but not spawn in. it's really bugging me because the other issue i'm having with JVS Doors only seems to happen on my server.

I haven't seen anything relating to not being able to join in my consoles either.

PS. Can't start the server as root because if i type sudo blockland-server it results in a error and i can't type su because it automatically set a root password and i don't know what it is.

Client LOG:

Server LOG: < had to use different website because i couldn't use pastebin.

I just noticed the link i supplied for the server.log doesn't work so i made a new one using a different service.

Server LOG:

if you can join, it's probably not an issue with it being on Linux
i'm guessing it's an addon issue

does that combination of addons work on a windows server?

only weird bits i'm noticing from glancing at it:
Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Vehicle_Yacht/Support_EnterVehicleOnClickOnly.cs (13): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
BackTrace: ->[EnterOnlyOnClick]WheeledVehicleData::onCollision
is spammed a ton

Code: [Select]
Syntax error in input.
eval error >> $Pref::Net::DisableUPnP true

Syntax error in input.
eval error >> $Pref::Net::DisableUPnP true
probably shouldn't be happening

and some of your weapon addons are erroring

but I don't think any of those would be causing the issue

1. Not sure
2. I thought i got rid of that issue
3. I assumed was a command and typed it in after looking at another thread.
4. Is funny because they're all in the bf3 weapons pack from rtb

1. Not sure
2. I thought i got rid of that issue
3. I assumed was a command and typed it in after looking at another thread.
4. Is funny because they're all in the bf3 weapons pack from rtb
add-on not issue** also why doesn't the modify button exist.

Disable/Remove Blockland Glass and the preferences

I had this issue the other day preventing me from loading datablocks

Remove them from server side, client is fine

Disable/Remove Blockland Glass and the preferences

I had this issue the other day preventing me from loading datablocks
i need blockland glass because it's easier to Chang preferences

okay so i removed the vehicle_yaht addon and now it finally loads
but it loads super slow and gets stuck at this part

its happening again and i've noticed a simple pattern
where it only works if it downloads the file manifest first.

bumping this cus this issue is starting to piss me off honestly.

1. Try running a server with only default addons and do trial and error to see what addons work and what don't.
2. Try running Server 14 LTS.

1. Try running a server with only default addons and do trial and error to see what addons work and what don't.
2. Try running Server 14 LTS or Debian 8..