Author Topic: Going to meet Alan Resnick from Adult Swim later today AMA  (Read 8724 times)

Let me know how your dreams are working out for you then. lol.

Yes feel bad for me.

I got to go to georgia, shoot a TV show, participate in 2 other shows, got free stuff, explored the country and went to fancy restaurants while I was there, feel bad for me. Please.
i mean if thats how you wanna look at it

i mean if thats how you wanna look at it

How do you look at it.

I auditioned for the TV show spot like everyone else, it wasn't given to me. Poliwhirl step off.

damn tony went to GEORGIA

Poliwhirl feel free to get your own show.

ok i realize how mean that post sounds actually but i wasnt making a mean joke. tony has shown, on multiple occasions that he is borderline obsessed with adult swim. every time they do those "first caller gets a prize" things he is always the first caller, or he was until they had to stop letting him take all the prizes. he has auditioned for adult swim shows and tried to contact people involved with adult swim on many occasions. he poured a milk carton on his head just because they told him to. he even said his adult swim "show" is what he wants people to remember him for when he dies. im not even involved with adult swim and i feel bad for the guy, i can imagine they'd rather let him tour the facilities and meet some people than just awkwardly poke him away.
god forbid someone enjoy something in their life. as a person who wants to work for adultswim im jealous lol

as a person who wants to work for adultswim im jealous lol

Poliwhirl feels sorry for you.

So one and a half Tony's is legit going to happen?

So one and a half Tony's is legit going to happen?
there's a chance it's one of tony's hilarious pranks or he's actually serious

take pictures tony, we wanna see you with the man himself

take pictures tony, we wanna see you with the man himself

I did deliver with Neil hamburger.

I did deliver with Neil hamburger.
you got a link for that my man?