Author Topic: explain the cultural integration of the confederate battle flag  (Read 5845 times)

If you try to argue that there's anything more to it, then you're either hilariously out of the know, or you're a dumbass.

damn sometimes i forget that ike knows everything

only rednecks would defend, not to mention actually fly something like that. theres no reason to defend it, its a waste of time.

"they used it to advocate a thing I didn't like, therefore it is completely unjustified and crude to use under any context!!"
that isn't the point im trying to make???

Some people will always try to claim it was just about state's rights and nothing else but literally the declarations of secession are saying that "We don't want our ability to own slaves trampled on"

I never said you can't use it under any context and nothing I said even implied that, you're just a dumbass. But usually there's a correlation between flying the confederate flag and being a tribal

You're obviously the expert on this. That's why it's been a cultural symbol for the past 100 years.

The flag means literally nothing to the people flying except that it's controversial and makes left-wingers upset. At least, that's the gist of it when I've had people explain the purpose of flying it. The 'cultural symbol' part of it doesn't mean stuff.

Also get with the times, people, because they are a changin'

The new and improved flag

The flag means literally nothing to the people flying except that it's controversial and makes left-wingers upset. At least, that's the gist of it when I've had people explain the purpose of flying it. The 'cultural symbol' part of it doesn't mean stuff.

Thanks for your single personal anecdote. It has really changed my opinion on this matter.

Thanks for your single personal anecdote. It has really changed my opinion on this matter.

I don't really think I was setting out to convince you of anything considering you really do come off as the sort of guy who would fly a flag because it's controversial and it makes you feel powerful, considering how often you're on the forum personally attacking the left-leaning forumers.

I'm sure everyone flying a confederate flag has an entire grocery list of what they'll do on that god blessed day that an evil liberal knocks on their door to give them a what-how on their choice of flag

Rather useless contribution, but I've never seen anybody fly this flag.

Also get with the times, people, because they are a changin'

The new and improved flag
wow thats a pretty dashing bowtie

The flag is a historical item, much like the national socialist flag. It doesn't give you any excuse to fly it however, just like the national socialist flag.

It represents more of southern identity that has common misusages such as the kool kids klub flying it as a "white power!!!!111!!!" thing. It represents how the southern stats wanted to be more of "states rights" instead of a president controlling everything.

and before someone says "they wanted to keep slaves as a right", they wanted to keep slaves so the southern economy could survive, they didn't have the power to produce large numbers of crops with only one person back in the 1800s. The most they had for efficiency was the Cotton Gin.

It's possible to have field workers and, y'know, pay them
And not whip them and stuff. It was totally unnecessary.

It represents more of southern identity that has common misusages such as the kool kids klub flying it as a "white power!!!!111!!!" thing. It represents how the southern stats wanted to be more of "states rights" instead of a president controlling everything.

and before someone says "they wanted to keep slaves as a right", they wanted to keep slaves so the southern economy could survive, they didn't have the power to produce large numbers of crops with only one person back in the 1800s. The most they had for efficiency was the Cotton Gin.

This is too difficult a subject for people to talk about reasonably on the Internet though.

Its a flag. Nobody should care what flag someone decides to fly. Let them do their own thing in whatever they see fit and you can just ignore it / look the other way. Some people legitimately fly the confederate flag and aren't at all tribal, they just oppose federalism or want to express traditional values and they have every right to do so.

America used to condone and institutionalize slavery as a common practice, made laws allowing people to own slaves, kill slaves, etc. etc. The historical context behind the American flag is just as bad as the confederate flag, so if you really didn't like the confederate flag you wouldn't like the American flag either. I personally don't salute or fly the american flag for that exact reason but I also don't crucify people who do, because some people see it as a symbol of democracy, freedom or liberty.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 05:57:42 PM by PhantOS »