Author Topic: STAIRCASE TO HEAVEN 2 - Lazy Design and Deceptive bullstuff.  (Read 7723 times)

STAIRCASE TO HEAVEN 2 - Lazy Design and Deceptive bullstuff.


Staircase to Heaven 2 is a very long and boring build based on reaching two places, one of which is heaven and the other is space. I made it to heaven because of the poor stair design that I will get to in a moment. Staircase to Heaven 2 uses the previous years built "Staircase" to reach heaven, a very detailed, but ultimately empty and unfulfilling prize. There is nothing to do in heaven but stare at signs and sit in an empty pool. This is too worthless a prize to spend 6 loving hours a day reaching toward from the ground up. These 'stairs' are designed in such a way that you have to exploit blockland glitches and otherwise unknown abilities. Think of it as CS:GO surfing, but without the fun. Now imagine playing through any game, okay now imagine that there are only three save points sparsed throughout the game, that is this server. You could spend an hour and a half on one stair case, but if you forget up and fall, you might as well just start back from RED. This is not a joke, this is absolute bullstuff. Judging from Heaven I bet space is just as empty and unfulfilling so forget it.
I'm not spending 50+ hours on the equivalent of the Power-pole ride to Kami's lookout.

It might have been worth it if it was something more like, and I will get stuff for this SAO in design, like every checkpoint has a little engagement area, a lobby if you will, so that way falling off and losing ALL YOUR DAMN PROGRESS isn't that soulcrushing. Or you could, ya know, put more DAMN CHECKPOINTS.

Holy stuff, imagine if you were play Shovel Knight, but all the checkpoints were already broken.

TL:DR fix your stuff level design, this isn't a "Challenge" this is unrewarding torture.

d-did this have to be a drama?? u know there's a topic for it in general discussion you could've put ur complaints there instead

Did you make this because you fell off the stairs while you were so close?

tbh I sorta agree with some of this
for example there are these pillars where you either have to have lag on your side or just be loving jesus to get across because half the time they're built to send the player off if you try to reach a platform on them and they need to be loving nerfed
there should also be more checkpoints

seriously, even though I like the server, if your game is built around exploits then it isn't challenging it's bullstuff

this is got to be a joke

matthew you can't drama someone over your opinion of how hard something is

why can't you just leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeave

also lemme be honest the build looks like a mangled twizzler and should probably use a bit of refining but other than that it's stylish

TL:DR fix your stuff level design, this isn't a "Challenge" this is unrewarding torture.
im like 99.999% sure thats the point.

i thought it being stuffty was the joke

matthew you can't drama someone over your opinion of how hard something is

why can't you just leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeave
It happened in blockland so yes I can.
And besides this is criticism of a good user going rogue with bad design.
This is Bad design.
All this insane risk and asinine exploit-based bullstuff to reach, an empty unfulfilling reward.

I get some of you are used to eating stuff sandwiches, but theres a reason I play other games more than Blockland.
Sorry, but Baddy aint in charge of making Blockland great, the users are, and if they don't research good level design then I'll forgetin tell em.

d-did this have to be a drama?? u know there's a topic for it in general discussion you could've put ur complaints there instead
furthermore isn't drama about the people who make the server rather than the server itself

I'm not sure if you're handicapped, or handicapped, but that's kind of the point of the server. How badly appealing it looks, which throws in the difficulties that come with it. Sounds like you just suck at it and you couldn't make it to the top.

furthermore isn't drama about the people who make the server rather than the server itself
Well who made the server?
Its both honestly.
The server and the people who made it are intertwined.

That's the game, son

Well who made the server?
Its both honestly.
The server and the people who made it are intertwined.
yea but