Author Topic: How to get animations to work?  (Read 2388 times)

FPsword is just the animted model used for first person mode, you don't have to do to the same

FPsword is just the animted model used for first person mode, you don't have to do to the same
(I'm probably misinterpreting what you're saying. Sorry if I am) The goal is to get first person animations working though, so should I still use the FPx stuff or is it actually unneeded overall?

Oh, so in that case, you need two versions of the model with differing LODs so that you see the non-animated model in third person and the animated model in first person

This is going to be very wordy and walls of text, but i just wanted to make this as clear as possible

First, you'll also want to set the mountPoint of the model by creating a 'Single Arrow' (stuff+A while hovering over the 3D View > Empty > Single Arrow), and place it in the middle of the sword's grip, this is so you don't have to fiddle with the offset in your weapon's CS file

Then switch the Timeline window to the Dope Sheet by clicking on the Timeline's icon on the far left of it's window, and selecting 'Dope Sheet', this will be used for the animation markers and frames later on, but for right now, delete any and all animation data from your sword by selecting it, going to the 'Key' menu on the Dope Sheet and selecting 'Delete Keyframes', the markers aren't attached to specific objects, so you don't have to worry about those unless you want to have more or less frames in your animation

Now, to do the first person animation, you'll need to establish the 'third-person' model; You'll need to name your sword's object 'yourName' in Blender's Outline menu on the top right, then create a Single Arrow, and name it 'yourName100', the 100 is the LOD that will be used for the model, and place it somewhere like in the grip of the sword, then in the Outliner drag your icon next to your model onto the empty's name in the Outliner to parent the model to the empty

Next duplicate your model and name the duplicate 'FPyourName', this is so you know which model is which, then make another Single Arrow, name it 'FPyourName9999' and place it in the same place as the other, but this time the placement matters as it will serve as the pivot point of your sword's animation, then in the Outliner, parent 'FPyourName' to 'FPyourName9999' by dragging one onto the other, then in the Dope Sheet, make sure to have the 'reference' marker (M while hovering over the Dope Sheet) and frame at the start of the timeline (I while hovering over the 3D View and selecting 'LocRot'), then select and animate the 'FPyourName9999' empty to do your swinging animation or whatever and be sure to, again, use the 'LocRot' setting when creating keyframes and to start your animation out on the fire:start marker with the default position and rotation, then do your swing animation, and end it off on the last keyframe back in it's default location and rotation on the fire:end marker

Lastly, select your original third-person sword object, go to the 'Object' menu in the Properties window on the right, scroll down to 'Groups', expand the category if it's not open, press the +, and set the name of this group to 'detail100', then select your first person sword object, make sure your third-person object is no longer selected, then again, add this object to a group, but name this one 'detail9999'

This may be a necessary thing, but change your Dope Sheet into the Text Editor, press the + on it's bottom bar to create new text data and name it 'Sequences' with just 'fire: priority 0' in it

Then export your DTS

It's still not working for me. I've followed every step and double-checked to see if it still worked, and it isn't working. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.