Author Topic: Unova is back  (Read 89746 times)

you come into the CaravanGaming discord just to stuff on people

Can confirm, I had to join the Caravan Gaming discord because I heard this dude was trying to spread rumors of me stalking him or something. At least some good came of it as the Caravan Gaming discord's pretty chill.

It's a drama about me, but really? it's a few middle school roasts.
Yeah yeah, a few middle school roasts.

Please go away before you get banned.

hey i'm in the screenshot

hes emoji spammed me in pms a bunch and just been a utter autist. Absolutly nobody wanted him in CVG

When the entire admin team votes yes and not a single vote is no in a poll deciding for you to be banned, you know you're in the wrong

At least some good came of it as the Caravan Gaming discord's pretty chill.
I agree I have known Caravan Gaming since the Teamspeak days and no one on the server is super toxic.  For someone to come onto the discord and stuff on others it just wrong. 

This is what I mean about being toxic and I think your ban was justified.  Not to mention that all you did was stuff on people, so I don't see why you are making a big deal about being banned considering you didn't like the server/the people in the server to begin with. 

By the way, literally the entire time unova was on CG, every time he got in trouble with the staff, he A L W A Y S tried to argue over it to death, always using the same ideology of "everyone else is wrong"

Dude's a loving cancer tumor of a user

You're an egotistical trolling little stuff. The only reason you have any support from any other users is because you're a loving admin on a discord server.
You're praised like a god because you are a CVG admin. You touch your richard at night because you have a chance to insult a banned user.

If you have read the drama i've posted before and what he posted as links, you can see he's clearly just trying to start stuff. The links were not even important and were to protect his friends, weathernerd and grimlock.
Your stuffty clique really has to bump a BLOCKLAND drama because you banned me. You're loving handicapped.

NOEDIT: Nice flaming there bud

It seems like you're a loving handicap who goes the way of the drama to keep your pristine reputation intact.
You've been shown to do this before.
what the forget??
ok first that was really uncalled for and second i don't go around looking for dramas to take the winning side in on purpose just so i look better that's ridiculous i just do it when i want to state something, in fact i've been for the most part avoiding drama unless i feel like stating something for a while now

hes emoji spammed me in pms a bunch and just been a utter autist. Absolutly nobody wanted him in CVG
It's almost like you're loving lying.

This whole discord is a loving circlejerk.

I agree I have known Caravan Gaming since the Teamspeak days and no one on the server is super toxic.  For someone to come onto the discord and stuff on others it just wrong.  

This is what I mean about being toxic and I think your ban was justified.  Not to mention that all you did was stuff on people, so I don't see why you are making a big deal about being banned considering you didn't like the server/the people in the server to begin with.  

Inh was baiting. That's the only reason I did that. You're cherrypicking.

unova can't handle interacting with people online part 5

Inh was baiting. That's the only reason I did that. You're cherrypicking.
You claim everything is bait. Legit stop.

If this doesn't fit your criteria of emoji spamming, I don't know what does