Author Topic: Unova is back  (Read 89738 times)

It seems like you're a loving handicap who goes the way of the drama to keep your pristine reputation intact.
You've been shown to do this before.

Inh was baiting. That's the only reason I did that. You're cherrypicking.
mhm totally

the entire loving admin team thinks otherwise

How do you think everything you say is right?

Unova's mind:

"I'm not wrong, YOU are!!!"

Honestly coming from a completely neutral standpoint considering I don't have much of a presence in CVG, it seemed like Unova was causing stuffloads of trouble in there for awhile and racked up a number of warnings, mutes and bans.

Dude has issues.

I'll also add that while INH/others and I don't agree on everything, EVERYONE wanted unova gone. this wasn't just the admins acting on their own

Right now hes pleaing for sympathy on a discord hosted by queeba.

Victim @ plea for sympathy card

literally begging for attention

I'm glad you're self-evaluating. Just remember others have opinions too and that you can have conversations without conflict.

"It's not me that has the problem, it's literally everyone else that has the problem"


It seems like you're a loving handicap who goes the way of the drama to keep your pristine reputation intact.
You've been shown to do this before.
what the forget??
ok first that was really uncalled for and second i don't go around looking for dramas to take the winning side in on purpose just so i look better that's ridiculous i just do it when i want to state something, in fact i've been for the most part avoiding drama unless i feel like stating something for a while now
to add to this, if i have been shown to do that before then when have i?? cus i have the feeling you're just assuming i do that...
Honestly coming from a completely neutral standpoint considering I don't have much of a presence in CVG, it seemed like Unova was causing stuffloads of trouble in there for awhile and racked up a number of warnings, mutes and bans.

Dude has issues.
same, i'm also neutral but forget man you were just provoking them and anyone else who disagreed with you including me who was only barely disagreeing with you

what steam theme is that

I hate you because of the fact that you instantly started to hate me the moment I met you.