builds laptopsok lol
he's still acting insufferable 🤷 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🤷
You're more common to find than a roosterroach and you have the mentality of nickpb.
lol i thought you could take people calling you out for being autistic
Have you been to the docter lately? Are you off your pills? Why are you trying to start stuff for no reason? Fidget spinners were invented for kids like you.
ive decided it's best to not look at your post as they can spread autism through direct eye contact
its like monsters inc but instead of screams its laughs and the bedroom everyone sleeps in is blftoxicology is the slithery lizard thingy
what can i say i guess he likes me
You're trying to say that anyone would like your unwashed smelly ass? I would be afraid to go into your house incase I caught a disease from airborne jizz droplets.
do you talk like this in real life? do you think that what you just said is a normal thing to say, at all?
That's it im making thit patrolBegone thit
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