Author Topic: Updater add-on stopping my server from loading.  (Read 781 times)

Again the title describes my issue.

At first it just wanted to update some add-ons but it wouldn't let me because the commands
didn't do anything at all so i ended up removing those add-ons for it to work.
it got past that point but instead it stopped my server from loading after it said
"Update check completed. 0 updates found."

Please help.

Server log: Pastebin

PS. the updates were for support_updater and support_render.

Sorry i had a typo when typing the link.
Here it is.

Here's the problem:

Code: [Select]
*                                                        *
*  Authentication Key required for hosting internet game *
*    Input key by via setKey("XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX");    *
*                    (Dont screw up)                     *
*                                                        *

The Blockland console won't let you enter any commands until you type setKey("key-here");. It also won't allow the server to start.

Here's the problem:

The Blockland console won't let you enter any commands until you type setKey("key-here");. It also won't allow the server to start.
coolio thanks