


Author Topic: :)  (Read 4534 times)

I say 2 cause it is a confusing and weird situation to read about and making it more complicated is gonna lead to more than girl B getting forgeted I bet

stick it in her pooper.

This is too complex to be a good idea. My advise for dating is simple works,  complex falls apart.

i like to see it as "someone's wife is loving me"

the world we live in

Option 4 seems to be the most liked.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 03:00:02 AM by Bisjac »

I'm like best friends with her. I would keep that either way but lose the loving forever.
If guy A found out I likely couldn't be friends with her at all.

Anyways,  that shows it's not worth the risk.

this is one of those times i think this cant be real but the entire situation contains just enough detail and complexity that you cant really make it up

Is there a way you can get them all into a love dungeon? Also, do you have a love dungeon?

Asking the real questions here.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 03:00:10 AM by Bisjac »

Focus on Girl A. She sounds pretty cool.

Also I would love a full list of all your equipment *cough*

« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 03:00:16 AM by Bisjac »