Author Topic: Output Event restriction mod for Fort Wars  (Read 912 times)

I need an event restriction mod that lets me prevent players from using specific event outputs, like doPlayerTeleport, setPlayerScale, minigameReset, ChangeDatablock, vceModVariable, etc.

It would apply equally across all targets (player, vehicle, named brick, self, client, etc) and prevent players from adding events with these specific outputs to bricks.

When players try to add these events (when they click send after writing them), it will display to them a popup message saying:
"You are not allowed to use certain output events. To view the list of restricted events, type /ER_SRL"
And it will remove the changes they made to the brick's events.

Would be best if it was controlled through chat commands:
  • /ER_LPOE (Event Restriction: List Possible Output Events) - command used to display to the player the list of output event names they can restrict
  • /ER_R <output event name here> (Event Restriction: Restrict) - command used to add an output event to list of restricted output events
  • /ER_U <output event name here> (Event Restriction: Unrestrict) - command used to remove an output event from the list
  • /ER_SRL (Event Restriction: Show Restriction List) - command used to show the list of restricted output events. This command should be usable by everyone.
  • /ER_RA (Event Restriction: Restrict Admins) - command used to toggle restriction on admins and super admins

All commands except for ER_SRL would only be usable by the host.

I think this would be really useful for many servers, to help them prevent event abuse from the start, rather than having to deal with event abusers after they've done their damage, and then have to clean up their mess.

Someone please make this!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 03:33:10 PM by Planr »

Clay Hanson has you covered.
Except that one doesn't give you a list of restrictable events, and you can unintentionally make false-flag restrictions on events and think you restricted them when you didn't. I need one that doesn't have these problems.

If you're using Slayer, you can specify restricted events in config/server/slayer/restrictedEvents.cs.

If you're using Slayer, you can specify restricted events in config/server/slayer/restrictedEvents.cs.
I don't know the output events to restrict though. Like I don't know the specific names for them.

you can unintentionally make false-flag restrictions on events
please elaborate because I'm dumb

Also what do you mean you don't know the specific names? You just listed the names. AFAIK there's no name other than what it shows in the GUI.

As for restrictable events, just look in the eventing menu. AFAIK it shouldn't be hard to make a script to get a list of all output events though, I mean the GUI does it so just look through all the registered names (it registers them in a list, doesn't it?)