Author Topic: Overhead Display  (Read 1557 times)

So what I mean by this is a display similar to the player name thing but it has more lines togglable for player health, player energy (for limited jet stuff), and maybe a level script, and can be applied to bots and can have said colors for bots be changed

I remember there being an add-on with the health thing but i don't remember which

I remember there being an add-on with the health thing but i don't remember which
3D Health Bar

Names above players can only be achieved with static shapes. You can only recolor the entire name, not parts of it, since it's handled through SetShapeNameColor. Apart from that, its perfectly possible. However, everyone on the map will see it so you can't make only teammates see it or some stuff

However, everyone on the map will see it so you can't make only teammates see it or some stuff

If you hide the player you will hide the name. Shape names are hooked on the player unless you used a hacky one.

Custom static shape names will look buggy but it is a way to achieve what OP wants.

If I remember based on testing you cannot add a new line to the default shape name system. Would be cool to recolor some of the name too.