Author Topic: Good morning guys!  (Read 20471 times)

I mean I've made like 3 edits of Grimlocks face, it's just banter m8
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just wanted to clarify for Crunchwrap

like 50% of the furry thread is censored research and the entire hot anime girls thread was exactly that. your point is?
Two wrongs don't make a right, if posting censored or cropped research was actually acceptable, i'd have some more things to share in that topic, but i don't do that because i know better and i'd rather not risk it

And i don't speak for everyone else in that thread, but i don't think i, specifically, have ever posted censored research in any way, i post some borderline stuff, but not full on research that i just put a black box over

Badspot should really start enforcing the rules a bit more, posts should be deleted or users should be banned for posted censored or cropped research, this isn't a Christian message board, but there should certainly be a line drawn somewhere, otherwise people can post all the cropped and censored research they want and not get in trouble for it

he has no point. remember he has a massive hardon for you and your clan? he cant keep your name out of his mouth for 5 minutes.
Am i not allowed to complain about someone whom he and his friends keep getting away with various things?

Like what? What can they do to a print thats malicious if there isn't already lewd material in it?
you honestly believe that it was in good-natured intent to put an embarrassing photo of mld on display?

you're allowed to complain as much as you want, but dont make a scene when people tell you that you look ridiculous for doing so.

you honestly believe that it was in good-natured intent to put an embarrassing photo of mld on display?

Answer my question Daswiruch. What could they do that is malicious to that print?

It'd be perfectly acceptable considering you posted Blockland richards and Patton posted censored research
what on earth lol

Answer my question Daswiruch. What could they do that is malicious to that print?
make fun of him behind his back within their troll circle?
there's a huge difference between making fun of someone in public (on the forums, where the picture was posted) and circlejerking around his picture on their semi-private server
now you answer mine

make fun of him behind his back within their troll circle?

Oh boo hoo. It's not like they can do that just by sending a direct link to the photo to each other. You're acting like they're photoshopping him into child research or something.

Oh boo hoo. It's not like they can do that just by sending a direct link to the photo to each other. You're acting like they're photoshopping him into child research or something.
now you answer mine

make fun of him behind his back within their troll circle?
there's a huge difference between making fun of someone in public (on the forums, where the picture was posted) and circlejerking around his picture on their semi-private server
now you answer mine
poor babby might have his feelings hurt!


No stuff they're making fun of him. Cry me a river. I mean forget CaravanGaming has an emote of a ballsack with Grimlocks face on it. Grow a spine

what on earth lol
True story

you're allowed to complain as much as you want, but dont make a scene when people tell you that you look ridiculous for doing so.
No one's told me that though? Or, not that i've noticed anyway

Anyway anyway, i will admit that i do occasionally lose my patience whenever i see Patton or one of his groupies do something contradictory or generally stupid, but i am just getting just a little bit fed up with what people are allowed to get away with, especially nowadays

Nice meme

MLD obsesses over me. I'm honored.