Author Topic: Need suggestions for Easter eggs in map I'm working on. [Submissions Closed]  (Read 6025 times)

I'm working on an Easter egg hunt map for my server, and I need eggs for the map, so I need you to suggest some ideas for eggs in the map. They can be random words, inside jokes, memes, or any other topic. All you need to do is type a name for the egg and I will take it from there. You can also put map elements that you'd like to see, since the map hasn't been constructed yet.

I'll be keeping a list of eggs suggested:
  • Easter Egg - 16-Bit
  • :egg: - Drydess
  • Sky Egg - The Brighter Dark
  • Miracle of Birth Egg - yeTenszi
  • Chicken Egg - Conan
  • Alphabet Egg (aka the Word Egg) - yeTenszi
  • Fried Egg - Tendon
  • Egg - c[_]²
  • Chocolate Egg - Bloo Kirby the Second
  • Potato Egg - Metalliku
  • Banana Egg - yeTenszi
  • Spider Egg - Mad Hops Disease
  • Turtle Egg - yeTenszi
  • Kinder Egg - Drydess
  • Graffiti Egg - general guneric
  • Alt Egg - c[_]²
  • Nicepoint Egg - Nicepoint
  • Egg Egg - Bloo Kirby the 2nd
  • Faberge Egg - HellHound
  • Egged House Egg - yeTenszi
  • Emo Egg - cblock360
  • Spooky Egg - yeTenszi
  • Freedom Egg - ZeÜberMedic!
  • Explosive Egg - Mr.Noßody
  • Key and Egg - TableSalt
  • Meteoric Egg - TableSalt
  • Egg in the Shadows - TableSalt
  • Egg of Bricks - TableSalt
  • Crystalline Egg - TableSalt
  • Bass Egg of the Seas - TableSalt
  • Brass Egg of the Cs - TableSalt
  • Boring Plastic Egg - TableSalt

EDIT: I forgot to clarify, you can suggest more than one egg.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 01:46:19 PM by Knoble »

bunny pushing an egg out of its vag


Ah yes, the classic. I'll either use that as a tutorial egg for beginners, or a meta egg in the actual map.

:egg: must be one

Not familiar with :egg:, I'm assuming it's code for an emoticon. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

sky egg

This one will be cool, just an egg on a cloud that you have to parkour to.

bunny pushing an egg out of its vag

OK... I'll just call that one the "Miracle of Birth Egg"...

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll add 'em to the list. I'll check back in the morning for more ideas.

chicken cause the chicken came first

:egg: and are the same thing

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

chicken cause the chicken came first


Also, just a note, you can suggest multiple.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 07:04:22 PM by Knoble »

The word egg itself.
Aka the alphabet egg

Fried egg, sunny side up.

The word egg itself.
Aka the alphabet egg
The Alphabet egg sounds like a good idea.

Fried egg, sunny side up.
Yum yum


A Chocolate Egg
Only the sweetest of chocolates

Potato Egg
Has science gone too far?

Thank you for your ideas! I will add them to the list!