august 21 solar eclipse

Author Topic: august 21 solar eclipse  (Read 13894 times)

aw ye i'm staying at a hotel in another state to prepare to go see it

Will it fully cover up the Sun
if ur in the black area in the picture in the OP then yea p much
and how many hours until it happens?

I really thought the whole world saw it at some point. Dam.

don't solar eclipses still hurt your eyes
Only if you got bitchass eyes

Disclaimer: the eclipse will still hurt non-bitchass eyes

This is the day my little bro turns one year old. Does this meaning anything

This is the day my little bro turns one year old. Does this meaning anything

This is the day my little bro turns one year old. Does this meaning anything

cant wait to go blind

im going to loving accidently look at the sun once during those 6 hours then burn my loving eyes

time to look down the entire loving school day

This is the day my little bro turns one year old. Does this meaning anything
ah, the dark prince has returned

im going to loving accidently look at the sun once during those 6 hours then burn my loving eyes

time to look down the entire loving school day

why ya treating the eclipse like a sniper rifle pointed at your eye

you dont go blind if you accidentally look at the sun on a normal day and you won't go blind if you accidentally look at the eclipse without glasses. just dont stare at it my dude

why ya treating the eclipse like a sniper rifle pointed at your eye

you dont go blind if you accidentally look at the sun on a normal day and you won't go blind if you accidentally look at the eclipse without glasses. just dont stare at it my dude
it is worth noting that it is more dangerous than looking at the sun on a normal day since the corona is very bright and focused sunlight and the eye isn't triggered to squint during an eclipse like it usually does when looking at the sun

that being said, just don't stare

I'm going to miss a 99.2% complete solar eclipse because I can guarantee the army isn't going to let us miss 10 minutes of training to witness a once-in-a-lifetime experience