Author Topic: NEW s University’s LGBT Students ‘Fear’ Arrival Of Chick-fil-A [gay warning!!!!]  (Read 8189 times)

they aren't wrong surprisingly
cuck-fil-a is stuff

they aren't wrong surprisingly
cuck-fil-a is stuff
chick-fil-a is chock-ful-a stuff
y'all wanna loving die

Sorry but Chick-fil-a is yeet

What are they? Chicken?

What are they? Chicken?

They no good they're just a chicken chip-chip-chip-chip-cheep-cheeeep

chickfila is stuff anyway so whatever

but would they fear the arrival of a mosque lol do they even serve amazing chicken in mosques lol i didn't think so

chick-fil-a is chock-ful-a stuff
they aren't wrong surprisingly
cuck-fil-a is stuff
chickfila is stuff anyway so whatever
added to the list

added to the list

I've already banned them from my blockland server

no no no chick fil a is rly yummy
and anyone that disagrees is a scumbag worthy of execution for terrible taste